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  1. #1
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    painful pumps 30 minutes post-workout

    As I am typing this post my upper forearms and biceps are aching. Its been happening for the last few days now. It is due to pumps from the earlier session (I worked back). I did not have a good workout as the pain was beginning to slow me down alot. I had to take long breaks and even then the pain barely subsided. I have done some searching on the forum and found that increasing water intake can help. I am in week 4 of a 13 weeker: eq600/wk, test e 600/wk, and d-bol 40mgs/day (wk1-4). I am worried that this may really become a Which compound is making this pain occur and there must be someway to have this not take away from my workouts...thanks fellas.

  2. #2
    rukus43's Avatar
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  3. #3
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    Have you ran any of these compounds before without the other? That is the main reason why you run say dbol without the eq or eq qithout dbol so once you know how you react to test you can single out sides from other drugs. My suggestion is if it really is a problem try dropping the dbol first since it will leave your system the quickest.

  4. #4
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    actually, i have not run a test only cycle (in order to have a better understanding of other compounds effects on my body)...I made a mistake doing that. However, I have run d-bol before (in my first cycle) and I have run test before also so the only variable is the eq...last cycle was a dbol /sust/deca cycle and there were no such pains at the end of the first month, unlike this time. Hopefully, its just the d-bol because I will be done with that tomorrow night (it will have been 4 wks)...but if not...what to do???

  5. #5
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
    DrugsrGood is offline Associate Member
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    eq and d-bol are both known for big pumps. i have had similiar problems on either substance with test alone, not to mention together. i get the pain in the same places as you describe too. i assume my muscles are so much more blown up there is alot of pressure... does it feel like your muscles are crushing the bones in your forearms when you try to bend your arm?

  6. #6
    Uconish is offline Member
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    its the dbol ...youre lucky, when i use it my lower back feels so pumped up thats its crippling....but hey, you gotta take the bad with the good.....SUCK IT UP!

  7. #7
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah man, drop the dbol mon ur last day, and maybe lower the eq a bit, being as from what i hear it really gets its worth around week 5-6, meaning it could get worse. but this is a GOOD side effect, pumps are good and its good ur getting strong ones, but if i were u id lower the eq either 100-200 to be honest, let alone people usually run test higher than that anyway. just my two cents

  8. #8
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    I was thinking about lowering it but I crunched the numbers and I have enough to run it at 600 but if these pumps start to get even worse (during week weeks) then I guess I will have to change something...As for sucking it up I am trying my best to ignore it and continue but the pain is very high and I ain't no B**CH

  9. #9
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah im just sayin id run it at 400 and save some for next time. i was gunna say run it longer, but id ALWAYS run test longer than any other compound by at least a week, but id do 2.

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