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Thread: Need help w. bridging

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Need help w. bridging


    Right now im doing a cycle of eq (600mg/week) cyp (600mg/week) and soon to add in winny and maybe var to finish it up.

    Now, here's where i need help. I'd like to bridge w. gh/slin, and ive read about everything i can on the two, how ever, still have some questions.

    First, i was thinking of doing this for 8-10 weeks

    4iu gh/day (5 days on, 2 off)
    10iu slin/day (going to start at 2-3iu and work my way up from there) Consuming a 100g carb shake about 10 minutes after injection and then a meal 1.5 hours after that.
    10-15mg dbol upon waking
    200-300mg of primo/week (if i can get some at a reasonable price).

    Now..for the questions.

    First, should i take the slin every day, or just on workout days, or just on gh days?

    Second, will i need to add in some t-3 with this cycle? If so, how much. 20mcg/day

    Third, is it reasonable, can i expect to still make some gains?

    Thanks for the help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    take the slin on days that you train and on days that you take gh, dont take it on off days. t3 and slin both make gh less effective so you might need more. 20mcg a day? you can take 100mcg and be fine, id take at least 50mcg a day. gains should be decent, but gh is differernt for everyone and slin is dangerous, have someone watch you and be very careful, good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    err t3 makes it less effective, slin actually works with it. sorry bout that. =P

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    With the carbs and the Slin make DAMN sure you have a good mix of both simple and complex carbs, don't skimp here or you'll be in a pine box. The simple for ASAP blood sugar and the complex for the long slow burn. I'm sure you knew this already but I thought I'd toss it in for good measure.

    What type of Slin? I'm intrested both from the point that I'm doing a quasi bridge with d-bol and slin now as well, I'm at 7IU's currently of Humulin R.

    Another question, I'm no expert but if it were me I would wait on the GH for a true cycle, same with the T3. I found T3 worthless but my body chemistry seems to be off from the majority. From what I understand the GH/Slin combo makes more since to run with a full blown cycle. Where for a bridge I would think Anavar (recomended from a bud here) or Primo and Slin would work well. I'm doing the D-Bol's as that is all I had access too at the moment.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Its still about 10 weeks away, but i will be using humulin R.

    Maybe i wont use t-3, i wasnt too sure about it anyways. I definetly want to try the gh tho.


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