Wondering if anybody has cycled Winny V by UpJohn with Equipoise? Heard this is a great fat burner along with lots of cardio. What kind of results did you get and how would you cycle these two together? Thanks for input, bros!
Wondering if anybody has cycled Winny V by UpJohn with Equipoise? Heard this is a great fat burner along with lots of cardio. What kind of results did you get and how would you cycle these two together? Thanks for input, bros!
My current cycle is Test/EQ/Tren/Winny. The vascularity is ridiculous and I have shed 3% BF with a semi strict diet. The nice part is strength has increased along with Fat loss. Personally I would run EQ weeks 1-12 and winny weeks 8-16 but that may be a little long of a cycle for you and don't know enough about you to give dosage recomendations.
Rickson sounds like good cycle
my next cycle is eq for 12 weeks with dbol first 5 weeks then a couple of weeks off orals then winny weeks 8 area through week 14 (as eq is tapering out of system) then to clomid
so like the cycle idea of what you listed
hey rickson,
im gettin ready for a winny deca cycle.
is 8weeks too long.
this is my 1st cycle as well
personally, 8 weeks of any 17aa is too long. Bro, spare your liver and hit it for no more than 5 weeks. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth. Everybody knows getting huge has it's price, but that doesn't mean we have to be careless about it
I think both Deca and EQ are drugs that work best in a minimum of a 10-12 week cycle. As far as the winny goes I think 8 weeks is ok but you will find just as many people who think bronco is right and that is too long. I can't say for sure which is correct so I think you will have to weigh the risk to reward ratio and make your own choice. Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck and keep us informed.
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