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Thread: deca gyno( from sus)

  1. #1

    deca gyno( from sus)

    hi guys
    orriganally sent this to juice junkie and he suggested posting it for all to see.
    I've been reading a lot about gyno and read that you can get this from deca because of the progesteron conversion and not estrogen conversion so anti e's won't help. If thats the case can you all so get gyno through progesteron conversion from sus 250 because it contains 100mg of decaonate....?

    All help and views on this matter would be greatly appriciated... regards pusher.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i believe the deconate in sus is from a test and not actual deca so no i dont think so--also i believe sus does not have this compound any longer as its the same excact as omni now
    what did jj tell you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    1 more thing i was having progestrone probs with nipples and dropped deca and upped omni to 1000mg per week to counteract deca sides and nipple pain went away so there was no progestrone being added to body from omni or nipples would not have gotten better

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Actually I read in one of my AS magaizines that Armidex will counter act the progesteron conversion in deca. IN the same sentence it did say that Nolv would not do anything for the gyno gotten from deca. The Armidex makes sense, because it stops estrogen production all together. BTW I got gyno pretty darn bad from Sustanon. I eventually had to take liquidex to counter act it, after having to take 80mg of nolv a day just to keep my nips from burning. Nolv also hindered my gains when I got off of it, and started using liquidex, I got much better results. Just my .05 cents worth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    wait am in...deca gyno from sust.... think of what your saying.
    cant happen

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    the deca sides i was meaning that i tried to counteract was begining of deca dick which i upped test to try to counteract---thats the only side i ment because i though it would help which it did within a week or was it in mind and the real reason was dropping deca

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i see how that post was confusing
    to clarify
    test was upped to counteract deca dick
    after dropping deca the nipple pain went away(but not because of adding test) it just meant no progestrone was being caused by sus which means deconate is not nandrolone that causes progestrone

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    so you can get gyno from deca? if so how do you prevent it? all I have is novaldex and clomid.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    nothing prevents it except the possibility of starting winny v before starting deca as it takes up those receptors(theory unsure if proven)
    also once it starts nothing except the day after pill(which is another topic) counteracts it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    so if you get gyno from deca your fucked. or will it go away after the cycle is over. i got gyno from test cip and it sucks. now i take novaldex. i thought deca was a safe AS

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