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Thread: need help on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    need help on cycle

    Hi guys

    I posted early regarding stanazol only cyle for cutting up.

    I've done some research and learnt that stana alone is no good
    and that every cycle should contain a test

    Well My aim is to lean up and get hard

    I am going to run propinate and stana together
    I know that you need to inject at least eod
    but what is a good dosage for both and should i start both together
    and end it at the same time?
    and is it ok to mix it in the same syringe
    and does any one suggest that i should run deca or d-bol with it or
    is it ok just with stana and prop
    210 pounds
    2nd cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You should not run winny for long time...too much stress for your liver. And do not combine dbol with your winny. Deca goes well with winny so you can consider it. However if you are running prop and winny, because of its ester, deca may be left out.

    How long are you planning on running your cycle?

    If you are thinking of running 6 to 8 weeks, winny with prop is good combo. Run it ED instead of eod, the differance is tremendous. And you can combine the two compound in one plunger.

    Run 100mg of prop and 50mg of winny ED for 6 to 8 weeks. Some of you may disagree with 8 weeks of winny, but personally, I never had probs. But if you don't feel comfortable run it for 6 weeks. But personally speaking running 6 weeks of test is not my cup of tea.

    But if you are not pressed for time, with winter comming up and all, run Test enan with some eq and add the winny towards end of your cycle.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooks
    I've done some research and learnt that stana alone is no good
    and that every cycle should contain a test
    This is an opinion that has been overblown by parroting, and I even believed it for a while. Choose a good cycle based on your research of different compounds, and their effects on the body, but don't believe every parrot you hear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    up a 500ft cell tower
    I personally run test with most everything because of sex drive issues... It just seems to work better for me. I wouldn't do it just because everyone said that you have to...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    up a 500ft cell tower
    And if water retention is your issue and you are wanting to run a test compound try prop..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake
    This is an opinion that has been overblown by parroting, and I even believed it for a while. Choose a good cycle based on your research of different compounds, and their effects on the body, but don't believe every parrot you hear.
    When you research different compounds and their effects on your body, doesnt that lead to adding test in any cycle?

  7. #7
    It depends on how any given compound effects you. More than likely using compounds that shutdown your HPTA, you will experience negative sexual side effects if not using at least a replacement dose of test which, for the average adult male, is approx. 100mg a week.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    It depends on how any given compound effects you. More than likely using compounds that shutdown your HPTA, you will experience negative sexual side effects if not using at least a replacement dose of test which, for the average adult male, is approx. 100mg a week.
    thanx for the info guys

    i was going to run both prop and stana for eight weeks

    at 100mg of prop eod
    100mg of stana eod
    is this ok
    and should i run pct of nolva after two weeks of last shot

  9. #9
    Usually stanozolol isnt run for more than 6 weeks due to its hepatoxicity but, that all depends on the person to an extent.

    Run it the last 4 weeks to be "safe".

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooks
    thanx for the info guys

    i was going to run both prop and stana for eight weeks

    at 100mg of prop eod
    100mg of stana eod
    is this ok
    and should i run pct of nolva after two weeks of last shot
    cannot run stana eod. no ester = short half life. must be ed. its not like prop where the hormone will be fluxuating, this one will be out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooks
    thanx for the info guys

    i was going to run both prop and stana for eight weeks

    at 100mg of prop eod
    100mg of stana eod
    is this ok
    and should i run pct of nolva after two weeks of last shot
    Its my understanding that pct should be started at the half life of your test ester. prop has a two day half life from my research

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