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Thread: should i

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    should i

    hey guys whats up

    this will be my 6th cycle
    1st cycle test 400
    2nd sus 500
    3rd and rest where test and deca test 500 deca 400 with really good gains
    stats 234 bf % maybe around 9 or 10 height 6.1 age 2 damn old

    i took sustanon my second cycle i ran it mon and thur at 500mg and got pretty good results. im thinking of running it again, give myself a break from test e and c

    weeks 1-12 sustanaon organon 1 amp 250 mon thur sat
    weeks 1-6 test prop 100 mon thur sat i have 6 bottles so i might as well throw it in there
    weeks 1-11 deca 600mg

    what youll think
    Last edited by skitzo; 10-15-2006 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    dam i'll have some bottle if you don't want em! LMAO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by skitzo
    hey guys whats up

    this will be my 6th cycle
    1st cycle test 400
    2nd sus 500
    3rd and rest where test and deca test 500 deca 400 with really good gains
    stats 234 bf % maybe around 9 or 10 height 6.1 age 2 damn old

    i took sustanon my second cycle i ran it mon and thur at 500mg and got pretty good results. im thinking of running it again, give myself a break from test e and c

    weeks 1-12 sustanaon organon 1 amp 250 mon thur sat
    weeks 1-6 test prop 100 mon thur sat i have 6 bottles so i might as well throw it in there
    weeks 1-11 deca 600mg

    what youll think

    Like the cycle very much and have run almost the same with great results ... the only thing I would suggest is stop teh deca week 10 becasue PCT will be 2-3 weeks after your last SUS shot .. and plenty of time off of it to get a great PCt.. IMO............ and also you might want to consider running the Test p through out the cycle .. just an idea I have and loved the results but have a good A'I like Adex or letro and HCG .. you might need this if deca gets out of hand and I always like to hit HCg mid cycle on deca at 250Iu @ 3 X per week for 2 weeks but can revise to 500iu depending on whats going on also HCG makes for a Great PCt

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Seems to me like your going to have very unstable blood levels, your going to have eod prop and the first 6 weeks 800mgs of test and 500 at the end, maybe Im reading it wrong though ??

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    weeks 1-6 1050 of test?

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