Ok I need a good answer here, clear and complete. I have currently been running Trenbalone Enanthate Cycle at 400mgs per week for about 7 weeks now. This Cycle is a 10 week Cycle. Now I am having issues with the PCT for this, I got Novladex on hand and i plan to run it with Trib and Novedex from Gaspri Nutrition for 10 weeks and then get back on my next cycle which will be Tren Test with a front load of Dbol for the first 4 weeks. Might I add i front loaded with Dbol on this cycle for the first two weeks and then ran Tren Enanthate. Now some people are telling me that Tren shuts you down hard after, and that you should run it with a base of Test. Well i have heard of few people of have ran the Tren its self and they have had no issues after they got off, they just ran Trib and that was it, and went back onto there next cycle. So my question is what you think i should do was far as PCT? is my choice good with this cycle, to run Trib with the Novla and the Novedex from Gaspri for 10 weeks, or should i through in some test at 500 mgs and push that for another 8 weeks? i dont see how running test will improve my chances off my natty test recovering better with the Taper. I think Test would be much more harder on supressing natty test then Tren. What is your opinion how is my PCT for this? or should i run Test for another 8 weeks?