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Thread: Help

  1. #1


    Ok I need a good answer here, clear and complete. I have currently been running Trenbalone Enanthate Cycle at 400mgs per week for about 7 weeks now. This Cycle is a 10 week Cycle. Now I am having issues with the PCT for this, I got Novladex on hand and i plan to run it with Trib and Novedex from Gaspri Nutrition for 10 weeks and then get back on my next cycle which will be Tren Test with a front load of Dbol for the first 4 weeks. Might I add i front loaded with Dbol on this cycle for the first two weeks and then ran Tren Enanthate. Now some people are telling me that Tren shuts you down hard after, and that you should run it with a base of Test. Well i have heard of few people of have ran the Tren its self and they have had no issues after they got off, they just ran Trib and that was it, and went back onto there next cycle. So my question is what you think i should do was far as PCT? is my choice good with this cycle, to run Trib with the Novla and the Novedex from Gaspri for 10 weeks, or should i through in some test at 500 mgs and push that for another 8 weeks? i dont see how running test will improve my chances off my natty test recovering better with the Taper. I think Test would be much more harder on supressing natty test then Tren. What is your opinion how is my PCT for this? or should i run Test for another 8 weeks?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The reason it is suggested you run test during cycle is because tren is known to shut you down V hard and you lose libido on cycle. Test prevents this. It is too late to throw in test now but you will need to run a V agressive PCT. Throw that Gaspari shit in the bin for a start. Buy some real nolvadex (SERM) and add an AI like letro or arimidex (all available from ARR). You might want to use HCG as well its personal preference. Check out the pct forums. The stickies there are great.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    PCT is not good dude. That is not real Nolvadex for a start and Trib doesnt do shit so your chances of restarting are not good.

    I would get some real Clomid and Nolvadex and do a proper PCT. Also forget aboy the test now it wont help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    The reason it is suggested you run test during cycle is because tren is known to shut you down V hard and you lose libido on cycle. Test prevents this. It is too late to throw in test now but you will need to run a V agressive PCT. Throw that Gaspari shit in the bin for a start. Buy some real nolvadex (SERM) and add an AI like letro or arimidex (all available from ARR). You might want to use HCG as well its personal preference. Check out the pct forums. The stickies there are great.

    Quote Originally Posted by KALE
    PCT is not good dude. That is not real Nolvadex for a start and Trib doesnt do shit so your chances of restarting are not good.

    I would get some real Clomid and Nolvadex and do a proper PCT. Also forget aboy the test now it wont help..

    Great advice .. agree 100% and please remember PCT IS EVERY BIT IMPORTANT AS THE AAS COMPOUNDS...

  6. #6
    thanks for the input thus far, as far as the Gaspri Novladex i am not using it as a an antiestrogen i have heard it has very good Estrogen Blocking affects aswell as promoting more natty test, have used it before and found it worked well. Trib? those of you that have posted are against hey, I have found from many others on this Site that Trib is very good for bringing up the natty test, By pumping up that LH hormone. I got my Novladex coming in a few days, and i still have another shot or 2 left before my my Tren ends. I have just asked my supplier if you can get me the arimidex and i will run that with Novla, if cant i am going to run the Trib with the Novla, as far as libido affecting me while on cycle, havent felt supression at all, if anything it has increased.

  7. #7

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