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Thread: Tran A

  1. #1

    Tran A

    Im startin a Tren A only cycle soon, and would like to hear from you my good fellowmen what your experienses are with this fabulous compound. What was your impression of Tren, good, bad???

    Ive studied a lot on this compound but nothing compares to the facts of real life experience.

    So please shoot!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    stats????Cycle history please???.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Oh welcome to AR!!!

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Its a great compound, supposively hard on the kidneys. Gains are lean, agressiveness makes training fun. Now the bad the sides and I get them all. I myself get pretty bad acne from it, insomnia, aggressive (mixed with no sleep makes me an asshole) and I sweat like a fat pig. I recommend acetate so you can regulate your dosage according to sides because of the short active life. Tren-e takes a while to kick in so it has to be ran for a longer duration then acetate, which leads to more sides and more abuse on the kidneys imo. I dont recommend it if you havent cycled a few times, reason being you have to be ready for the change in attitude. The first 2 times it pushed my relationship with my girlfriend to the edge and was very noticed at work.

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    stats????Cycle history please???.......
    yes that too!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yeah guns I was about to go into rant about it myself...then caught myself cause Ive done it before only to find out the person i was explaining things to had no biz using AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Its a great compound, supposively hard on the kidneys. Gains are lean, agressiveness makes training fun. Now the bad the sides and I get them all. I myself get pretty bad acne from it, insomnia, aggressive (mixed with no sleep makes me an asshole) and I sweat like a fat pig. I recommend acetate so you can regulate your dosage according to sides because of the short active life. Tren-e takes a while to kick in so it has to be ran for a longer duration then acetate, which leads to more sides and more abuse on the kidneys imo. I dont recommend it if you havent cycled a few times, reason being you have to be ready for the change in attitude. The first 2 times it pushed my relationship with my girlfriend to the edge and was very noticed at work.

    Really Bro .... not to hijack.... you get tren sides that bad ... what Mg ?? the worst I ever gotten was The sweats and sleep dep.. and that was at 150mg ED... NOw 50-75mg.. no problems..... 100-150 start seeing some sids ..... BUT NEVER change in attitude..... I love tren LOL.... oK High jack over

  8. #8
    28 years

    Been on a 8 week win depot 50mg ed cycle earlier, and recently I did Anavar 50mg ed for six weeks. I have my origins in MMA so Im not a bodybuilder.

    Im going to use Tren Acetate for six weeks in 75mg eod doses, so were talking very moderate doses here. Need to see how I react to this compound before I consider higher doses.

    By the way, is it as mean to the hair as win? It certainly cant be as mean to the joints? I used Glucosamine but still felt like an 80 year old grandpa with artritis when on win depot

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Kills your cardio, well made it hard for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Your cardio gets killed cause of the drop of red blood cells when on tren bro!!!!!

  11. #11
    Its really that bad? Ive heard some people could have problems with cardiotraining when on tren, but if its the way you guys put it, then it doesnt sound too about stacking it with Clenbuterol for cardioboosting?

    Iwont be training as much cardio as I usually do during my cycle period but still have to do 3, 10km runs and a intervall hillrun every week (dont count wrestling, muay thai, and so on as cardio, as I wont spar during the cycle period)

    The best scenario would be for me to use it with equipose, but cant afford the food cravings. Im gulping down food as it is already so on eq I would probably not be able to controll myself..sure I want to put on some weight, but if I add eq Id probably be forced to start sumorestling instead...

  12. #12
    Man, if you can run while on tren you're a stronger man than me. That shit at any dose makes my shins and calves pump up just from standing for more than 5 minutes. Forget running, when I run tren I plan every place I go by how far I have to walk if it's more than 100 yards I don't go because after a 100 yards I need to sit and let my calves get back to normal.

  13. #13

    Might have to reconsider my cycle then.
    A friend of mine thats a thaiboxer claimed that he used luoyang Pharma Parabolan without any greater problems with cardio, but if its the way you put It, Ill just have to drop the Trena and go back to using mild roids. Maby Ill try a Masterone cycle instead...DDDAAAAMMMNN..

    Well thaks for the answers guys

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Im running Tren A right now with prop. 150mg/ed each....Week 7 for the Tren... Last night I was sweating so much(while in the sack with 'ol lady) that I was dripping all over her. And I mean there was a 4 inch puddle on her tummy. no jokes. GREAT FAT BURNER!!!
    I find this past 2 weeks though, I have been on edge. BIG TIME. I control myself cuz Im not an idiot, but if I bang into something or spill something, I turn my head and take a deep breath cuz I wanna smash the shit outta something..LOL... I dont though cuz I know whats going on....It definately toys with your temper....

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    somewhere eating
    Hey goal seeker does that happen to you everyttime you do tren? or just at that dose? i just started doing it and i cant afford to sleeping in puddle with my new recently girl would be embarssing and lots of explain....


  16. #16
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    Canada me2,eh..
    I noticed it was a little worse once you get in the 100-150mg ed range....
    Personally, I love it.. I can just feel the fat coming off when I do anything... I used to hate being soaked at night, but not anymore. I just swap the sheets 4 times a week though..... Tren is very powerful. I have noticed lately that my urine is getting fairly dark, so I will need to go get things checked out shortly.....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    Do you eat alot of carbs? and do you still lean out? im just curious to see how this works lol i researched i just liek first hand expierences i cant wait to it starts trying to bulk so lots of carbs so idk what exatly is going to happen lean or get bigger? are u drinking enough water? cause when i dont may urine is dark as hell, maybe that can be..


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