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  1. #1
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    superdrol and letro?!?!?!?!?!

    ive read that it isnt a good idea to run an SD cycle and letro 2gether. is this true? i know SD can raise progestrin(sp) levels and im already a little prone to that so i wanted to run letro with it. plus i already have a full bottle of letro.

    any help will be mucho appreciated

  2. #2
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    just a little help fellas

  3. #3
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    I wouldn't worry about gyno on superdrol...that's just me. you have letro in case any signs appear so I'd say your safe..just my opinion

  4. #4
    Bulkcut is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    I wouldn't worry about gyno on superdrol...that's just me. you have letro in case any signs appear so I'd say your safe..just my opinion
    NO if you are prone to GYNO then i WOULD WORRY ABOUT GYNO ON SUPERDROL
    that was my first cycle. I developed Gyno from superdrol. Went to the doc and he checked it out for me i have it in my both nipples now.
    do your research before taking that stuff because it can cause it

  5. #5
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkcut
    NO if you are prone to GYNO then i WOULD WORRY ABOUT GYNO ON SUPERDROL
    that was my first cycle. I developed Gyno from superdrol. Went to the doc and he checked it out for me i have it in my both nipples now.
    do your research before taking that stuff because it can cause it
    It's rare though...and more commonly cuased by improper PCT (not saying that was your situation though)

    I would say run Arimidex rather than Letro. (1)Letro will probably put your lipids into the shitter worse than Arimidex will...and since SD is already bad in that department.....(2) You won't need such a strong compound with a non-aromatizing compound.

    *EDIT* I've never heard about SD acting as a progestin??? Where did you hear this?

  6. #6
    ccampbell33 is offline New Member
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    i have taken SD and i could feel the slight begining of gyno but nothing like u would feel with the real stuff

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    There have been alot of reports of people experiencing gyno when using SD. Best bet would be to use a AI or Serm during the cycle to prevent it.

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    There have been alot of reports of people experiencing gyno when using SD. Best bet would be to use a AI or Serm during the cycle to prevent it.
    but if the problem's progestin related, SERMS might possibly make it worse. I dont know if clomid can act in the breas tissue like nolva, and im not sure if it upregulates progesterone. So it might be an option, but all the other optionsa are out for serms as far as i know. i inquired to Cbino about the other SERMS besides nolva and i belive he said they all upregulate progesterone. not sure though.

    letro and SD might not be the healthiest thing brotha. My lil bro had a 300 cholesterol reading from 6 weeks of letro. Lack of estrogen can do that. Letro is also more liver toxic than other AIs. Hepatoxicity in and of itself can hurt lipid profiles. Then we have the sperdrol, which is pretty liver toxic. SD is also a dht derive, which arent great for lipids either. And on top of that, you will be eating a bulking diet. So this might not be a great idea,
    I would def get some niacin if your gonna do this. I would shoot for 2500mg/day. Hit 10,000mg of fish oil a day or more. Get the liver supps. Take a cuople baby aspirin everyday too, just in case. I would eat clean food only if i was gonna take any dht derivetive and avooid any trans fat like the plague.

    i would just get some adex though. Dont be cheap. your cholesterol may still be crap but the liver may be a little less stressed

  9. #9
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    I have never read that superdrol is a dht deritive, I would like to know where you got this info from because I have used it once and I am prone to baldness and did not get any sides from it as I did from real AAS. I would like to know this because someone gave me a unopened bottle a few months ago and have yet to use it.

  10. #10
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNUKA
    I have never read that superdrol is a dht deritive, I would like to know where you got this info from because I have used it once and I am prone to baldness and did not get any sides from it as I did from real AAS. I would like to know this because someone gave me a unopened bottle a few months ago and have yet to use it.
    Well, its methylated masteron , right? That should still make it DHT right?

    I'm still wondering why someone said it was a progestin??

  11. #11
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Well, its methylated masteron , right? That should still make it DHT right?

    I'm still wondering why someone said it was a progestin??
    thats what i dont get but it might be possible. A dht derive thats also a progestin. What a sonavabitch that is. Personally i think this may have been confused with max lmg and ergo max withc were both progestins, but were often compared with SD for the longest time for results. I think perhaps someone got their info in a scramble, or at least i hope. If i remember correctly a fair amount of guys ran nolva with SD and never had problems. This would be much healthier as nolva can increase HDL, and SD puts HDL in the shitter. But even if it were a progestin, so is deca , and how many ppl have ran deca and nolva in the same cycle in the last 12 years, b4 this talk of progesterone upregulation from nolva was talked about? It may be 100% true that nolva does upregulate progeterone, but what is the track record of deca/nolva, and SD/nolva cycles and gyno? The stuff we read about drugs on pubmed certainly has its place, but how does it measure with results in actual juicers?

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