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Did my last shot last Mon of a 14 week cycle first 4 weeks d-bol 40 mgs a day --- 1 thru 14 test enan 600 a week, and last week started proviron 50 mgs a day, cant make heads or tails of most of the blood work what she did tell me is i need to get a colonoscopy this is what i can tell you that she said is high or not normal= CK, TOTAL 246 ------- FERRITIN 53 ------ HEMOGLOBIN 18.9 ----HEMATOCRIT 56.0 ----HDL CHOLESTEROL 37 --- CHOLESTROL/HDL RATIO 5.3 --- LDL CHOL, CALCULATED 142 ---TIBC 453 ---TEST LEVEL TOTAL 2293 Now i have to consider i didnt even start pct yet ( next mon ) i have all the blood work in front of me if anyone has questions... Oh and total CHOLESTEROL 195..