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Thread: Cycle question?

  1. #1
    eko ramadan is offline New Member
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    Cycle question?

    I'm trying to put size on and alot of it. Don't care if its fat, water etc.

    6'2 ft
    5.3% body fat
    155 lbs

    I"ve been on and off the gym because of work etc. My last cycle was about 8 months ago. This would be my 4th cycle, from my 1st two cycles i put on 65lbs. I start with 125lbs (twig) went to 190 and lost some here.

    I have 2 bottles of test e 200, 1 bottle deca , 100pills of dbol and 70 anadrol pills. Sorry i'm at work and don't have the correct names of everything etc. I usally do 3 cc's of test a week for 10 weeks and 1 cc of deca till i run out which is about 8-10 weeks. Take 5-6 pills of dbol a day and 1 pill of anadrol a day. How would you take this cycle that i have?? Sorry if i sound like a noob but trying to get some info. Also what should i take for PCT and how should i run it and when. Please be detailed if you have some answers. Thanks and cheers

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Sounds like the first thing you need to fix is your diet. Bro, you need to EAT! Take a trip on over to the diet forum for some bulking tips.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    WOW, no offense, but Johny-too-small is 100% corect and you will hear that from all the experienced members

    6'2" tall and only 155 AFTER 3 cycles??????? there is something wrong here!!

    I am 5'11" and didnt' even consider AAS until I was over the 200lb mark. At 6'2", you should at least get yourself naturally to about 200

    AAS doesn't work without the proper FOOD intake !!!! and unless you got some disease that made you lose a ton of weight, then your problem is that you are not eating the right way..........

    go to the diet forum and read up on Bulking before you waste any more money on AAS


  4. #4
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    you are 6'2 have done 4 cycles and started at 125lb's, im 6'2 185 and I feel like the thinest person I know, How much have u spent on gear for those 4 cycles? dont want to sound like a dick cause im a total newb but shit maybe u shoulda spent that money on some food when u were that thin, did u do PCT on your previous cycles?

  5. #5
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko ramadan
    I'm trying to put size on and alot of it. Don't care if its fat, water etc.

    6'2 ft
    5.3% body fat
    155 lbs

    I"ve been on and off the gym because of work etc. My last cycle was about 8 months ago. This would be my 4th cycle, from my 1st two cycles i put on 65lbs. I start with 125lbs (twig) went to 190 and lost some here.
    I have 2 bottles of test e 200, 1 bottle deca, 100pills of dbol and 70 anadrol pills. Sorry i'm at work and don't have the correct names of everything etc. I usally do 3 cc's of test a week for 10 weeks and 1 cc of deca till i run out which is about 8-10 weeks. Take 5-6 pills of dbol a day and 1 pill of anadrol a day. How would you take this cycle that i have?? Sorry if i sound like a noob but trying to get some info. Also what should i take for PCT and how should i run it and when. Please be detailed if you have some answers. Thanks and cheers

    Bro 6"2 and 155 Now wnt to 190 and down WOW bro AAS is not your answer ... FOOD and lots of It ... and also PCT protocal ... So if i were you check out the diet fourm and training fourm .... becasue AAS alone dont do it but training diet is key ... do your self a big favor and do some research ... on PCT diet and coumpounds that you want to take seriums and 'A'I's in the long run you will do far better with putting on the muscle naturally IMO

    Welcome to AR!! and please read the rules

  6. #6
    eko ramadan is offline New Member
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    you guys are correct by the stats. The thing is i eat about 5k calories a day and i just have a hugeee fast metabolism. The only way i noticed that i do put weight on is when i'm on AAS. Any input would be great, thanks

  7. #7
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I agree money would have been better spent on food. AS at that weight is just rediculous.

  8. #8
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    if your not growing on 5k per day then eat 5.5k. If that dont work eat 6k. Simple. Post your diet in the diet forum for critique.

  9. #9
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    if you don't care if it's fat, then here's the perfect diet for you :

    breakfast : 2 mcdonalds # 2 breakfast meals, OJ instead of coffee
    snack : 2 double cheeseburgers from the $ .99 value menu
    lunch : small nachos
    snack : 2 burritos from taco bell - either beef or chicken
    workout - 10 minutes at the most, try not to elevate your heart rate beyond 95 bpm
    PWO meal - 4 chicken nugget orders from wendy's, diet coke
    pre-bed - snickers dessert cake from burger king, fish filet, lemonade

  10. #10
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko ramadan
    you guys are correct by the stats. The thing is i eat about 5k calories a day and i just have a hugeee fast metabolism. The only way i noticed that i do put weight on is when i'm on AAS. Any input would be great, thanks

    bro than eat more have a milk carb shake with every meal and than 4 more .. get a carb shake everytime you wake up at night ... eat as much as you can .... saying I cant get the cals in .. is a excuse diet is the biggest key .... So when you say 5k cals than take in twice that many dont do any cardieo heavy weigh short reps .... eat big meals before and after work out snacks should be pancakes washed down with a loaded carb drink mass builder 10 times a day ...

    there is always ways bro just have to try ... dont skip that ... by taking gear ... because even on AAS FOOD FOOD AND MORE FOOD

  11. #11
    eko ramadan is offline New Member
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    thanks for all the info on the diet, my origional question was how to take the cycle and what u guys recomand. Thanks

  12. #12
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko ramadan
    thanks for all the info on the diet, my origional question was how to take the cycle and what u guys recomand. Thanks
    dont think anyones ganna answer this 4 ya fella - these guys know there stuff.... so listen 2 what they say....

  13. #13
    eko ramadan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git
    dont think anyones ganna answer this 4 ya fella - these guys know there stuff.... so listen 2 what they say....
    Oh absolutelly, thanks for all the help guys. I'm readying the diet section and alot of good info. Guess i was way off on my diet, while thinking i'm eating alot guess not enough. Thanks

  14. #14
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko ramadan
    thanks for all the info on the diet, my origional question was how to take the cycle and what u guys recomand. Thanks
    This cant be serious...

    Sounds like you want detailed help
    w/out doing any leg work yourself.

    besides..your too small too start....

    Hit the food,and the weights,and maybe
    in two or three years you can do a real
    cycle and put that money to good use
    rather than waste it on a usless cycle..again.

    Just my 2cc's worth

  15. #15
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    if you don't care if it's fat, then here's the perfect diet for you :

    breakfast : 2 mcdonalds # 2 breakfast meals, OJ instead of coffee
    snack : 2 double cheeseburgers from the $ .99 value menu
    lunch : small nachos
    snack : 2 burritos from taco bell - either beef or chicken
    workout - 10 minutes at the most, try not to elevate your heart rate beyond 95 bpm
    PWO meal - 4 chicken nugget orders from wendy's, diet coke
    pre-bed - snickers dessert cake from burger king, fish filet, lemonade
    LMFAO! This is the greatest diet ever. Is right now too early to start?

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