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Thread: Steroids cause perfect body balance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house

    Maintain 100% Gains Naturally?!!

    This may sound like a newb question but I thought this very interesting. Is it possible that using steroids can bring you to a weight that your body wants to be at but can't get to naturally? Let me explain further before you say...duh thats exactly what steroids do. I mean that say, when you come off steroids you don't loose a single pound of mass, strength, whatever because you body can fully function naturally at this new weight....but for some reason or another couldn't get there before. Why or Why not?

    Sorry so long....question really intrests me but don't know enough to figure it out don't think its been asked here before

    maybe because its such a stupid question
    Last edited by HighandWide; 10-16-2006 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house
    so does the silence mean its/im stupid for asking

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide
    so does the silence mean its/im stupid for asking

    bro let me help with this if I can .... PUT AAS aside You can reach you full body mass and size natty with out eevn touching a single compound... Now some people have a hard time gaining muscle.. TRUE.... but not impossibe... So idal the blance is DIET ,TRAINING ,SLEEP water and so forth so you can put on your total body size and then some NATTY.. just takes time research .. and knowledge... so when people say I cant reach my goal becasue of this and that .. well It's becasue they dont see the real picture ... or are missing all the pices of the overall puzzle .....

    Now once you reach this point NOW YOU ARE READY FOR THE BEYOND with AAS ......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house
    I agree with you 100% Vandetta but my real question was the last part....just did a bad job explaining it....

    is i possible that your body can perform naturally at the new weight without lossing anything mass

    if everything remains the same except for the use of gear

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide
    I agree with you 100% Vandetta but my real question was the last part....just did a bad job explaining it....

    is i possible that your body can perform naturally at the new weight without lossing anything mass

    if everything remains the same except for the use of gear

    yes and no ..... training is a life style..( for most) also you have to remember that your body can do lots of things .. But Lets just say that you gain 20 pounds on a cycle .... thats with GOOD TRAINING AND DIET... now comes PCT... lets say you keep 15 of them 20 pounds after PCT( trust me its been 13 years and never once did i keep it all)... just becasue you keep them 15 pounds .. you still have to train diet ..ect... but yes your body will perform just fine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house
    thats what i was getting at because i hear alot of people lossing gains when they come off gear but the only time i did was when i got strep....thats why i was wondering if maybe my body could preform just fine at 245 that it did at 215 and thats why i hadn't lost anything really

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The weight your body wants to be at is passed when you take steroids. I passed my bodies ideal weight naturally. somthing about the fact that bearing strength decreases as volume increases.

  8. #8
    If I understand you correctly you mean:
    If you were able to get to say a maximum of 230lbs naturally and then took steroids to get to 270lbs would you be able to maintain 270lbs after stopping steroids? The answer here would be no. However you would be able to maintain 230lbs (your natural maximum) and possibly a bit more (greater then you natural maximum) because your body has adapted to carrying so much more extra mass.

    So you should be at least as big as you were before you started steroids if not bigger after quitting. Bair in mind most people start using before they reach their natural potential.

    This is my hypothesis, I have no results to use as evidence but I consider it a well educated guess.

    Take a look at retired bodybuilders, they can maintain large amounts of muscle mass but not as much as in the prime. This is provided they maintain good training and diet. Arnie is not a good example. Also many use HRT doses of test, your natural test levels will play a part in maintaining gains after steroids. You may have low test as a results of cycling for years and this would make keeping gains harder.

    One thing is for sure, if you are big on steroids now you will not shrink to a skinny wee bitch provided you keep training and eating well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Well, the short answer is that if you have not already maxed out, taking genetics, training and nutrition into consideration, then yes, they can help you reach that goal quicker.

    Though, as most of the other people here say, steroids are really most useful for people already at their peak, for pushing beyond their natural limits.

    On the other hand, I seriously doubt that most of the users on this board can truly say that they waited until they reached their natural peak before doing steroids - it has just more or less become a mantra around here that one should wait before doing it.

    But is it possible to use steroids to go beyond your natural limit, and maintain your gains after that without using them? Certainly not, you may be able to hold on to your muscles for some time, but eventually you WILL loose your gains, unless you do another cycle.

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