Here it is fellas.
Sustanon250 1-16 500mg
Equipoise 1-15 600mg
Anavar 1-8 50mg ed
Masteron 125mg eod 10-16
Arimidex .25mg ed
What do you think?
6"4 240
5th cycle
Here it is fellas.
Sustanon250 1-16 500mg
Equipoise 1-15 600mg
Anavar 1-8 50mg ed
Masteron 125mg eod 10-16
Arimidex .25mg ed
What do you think?
6"4 240
5th cycle
Looks good to me!! It'll be one hell of a cycle....Is this for a clean bulk cycle?
also hope your PCT is in order!
Yes. I'm trying to avoid water retention drugs even though i'm running the sust. This will be more of a lean bulk.Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
I really like var so I decided to throw it in again instead of dbol.
I maintain the gains better IMO with var over dbol.
Looks good bro...except for the var.
thats a sick cycle- u might consider bumping up the var to 60-80mgs ed for 9-10 wks and possibly bump the sust up 100mgs thats what i would personally do if i were running it. but it looks like a sick cycle bro let us know the results
I'm finally set.
I start poking next Monday.
Didn't you run var at 100mg?Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
How was it?
looks good bro. im running a similar cycle running it shorter and everything but the eq..
yeah i ran it at 100mgs for 10 wks, in a test e, eq cycle. it worked very very good- i got down to 6% bf and got d@mn strong/cut off it and it didn't shut me down hard at all also put on 12-15 pounds of lean muscle that i kept.
which is pretty good results considering my diet went to hell at about wk 5...
I also ran it at 100mg/ed. I started with 60, and then someone mentioned its not worth it unless you run at least 100, so i tried it and it made a difference, for me anyways.... Now I Love the stuff. But my urine started getting really dark around week 8 so I finished up the bottle on week 9 and it started to lighten a week after that...
Why did you include the anavar for? I'm not knocking your cycle (you obviously know what your doing). I'm sure you got some reasoning for it, just curioious. Are you using it to jumpstart your cycle? Have you done it before? If so, is it effective, like dianabol, or Anadrol?
Not bad.. I'd start the the Masteron from earlier.
I like to run dht-derivatives tru-out.
I'd probably start it in week 8-16. I wouldn't change the sust dosage... you are running a test-derivative with it (EQ) what'd be the point?
Should be a pretty good cycle all round.
Add a tight diet and cardio and i can see it adding some decent LBM..and some bf loss.
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