so i am currently planning my first cycle which will be starting in january
i am (right now) 21 years old 5' 7" 180 lbs around 13% bodyfat and still dropping (because i am cutting). io have been working out for about 2 years and my diet is good.
i ahve read a lot on this forum saying that test only cycles are best for the 1st timer SO i plan to do
i am taking this from MudMan's 'Cycle for the newbie' thread
1 - 4 prop100 @75 mg ED
1 - 10 enanthate250 @ 500mg/week
1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED
PCT starting from 2 weeks after last enanthate injection
wil be as follows
Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
MudMan also states in his thread that one should start AIs and SERMs 2 weeks before the start of the cycle. How many of you guys do this and is there an added benefit??
Thanks for your input! It is grealty appreciated!