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Thread: Prop Dbol help

  1. #1
    hungry4fitness's Avatar
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    Prop Dbol help

    Vandetta suggested in an earlier post that instead of dbol for the first 4 weeks to kickstart my cycle I should do test prop at 75mg-100mg ed. to avoid the bloat and water retension (which is true) I like the sounds of that, except the human pin cushion idea. I will be shooting my test sust-Deca shots every mon, wed, fri and I was wondering can I add the prop to those shots at 100 or 125mg and avoid shooting ed or is prop not good for eod?

  2. #2
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungry4fitness
    Vandetta suggested in an earlier post that instead of dbol for the first 4 weeks to kickstart my cycle I should do test prop at 75mg-100mg ed. to avoid the bloat and water retension (which is true) I like the sounds of that, except the human pin cushion idea. I will be shooting my test sust-Deca shots every mon, wed, fri and I was wondering can I add the prop to those shots at 100 or 125mg and avoid shooting ed or is prop not good for eod?

    shooting prop eod will be good...

    personally id rather kickstart with dbol , but test prop works well too

  3. #3
    hungry4fitness's Avatar
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    dbol junkie huh? What are your opinions on dbol? I didn't think it would bloat me that bad only doing it for 4 weeks instead of 6, but the bloat period sucks. I am doing this cycle for pure bulk and thats it. Prop or dbol which one is better for that in your opinion and have you used test prop much. I never have.

  4. #4
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungry4fitness
    dbol junkie huh? What are your opinions on dbol? I didn't think it would bloat me that bad only doing it for 4 weeks instead of 6, but the bloat period sucks. I am doing this cycle for pure bulk and thats it. Prop or dbol which one is better for that in your opinion and have you used test prop much. I never have.

    yea ive used a fair amount of prop and dbol . imo, dbol is more effective... that sh_t will make you gorilla strong in record time, plus itl make you huge too

    as for the bloat, it really depends on the individual people and how they react to it. gear doesnt really cause that much water retention for me, even when im on test, deca and dbol.

    if youl bloat off dbol, then youl definately bloat off test as well

  5. #5
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    yea ive used a fair amount of prop and dbol . imo, dbol is more effective... that sh_t will make you gorilla strong in record time, plus itl make you huge too

    as for the bloat, it really depends on the individual people and how they react to it. gear doesnt really cause that much water retention for me, even when im on test, deca and dbol.

    if youl bloat off dbol, then youl definately bloat off test as well
    What about both d-bol 50 mgs a day prop 100 mgs a day, weeks 1 thru 4, test enen 750 per week 1 thur 12 ????

  6. #6
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungry4fitness
    Vandetta suggested in an earlier post that instead of dbol for the first 4 weeks to kickstart my cycle I should do test prop at 75mg-100mg ed. to avoid the bloat and water retension (which is true) I like the sounds of that, except the human pin cushion idea. I will be shooting my test sust-Deca shots every mon, wed, fri and I was wondering can I add the prop to those shots at 100 or 125mg and avoid shooting ed or is prop not good for eod?

    you dont have to run ED... EOD will work but far better blood level with ED injects also if run ED 50-100mg will be fine .... But as trenbull says personal issues bro what you like best ... myself Stoped useing Dbol many mnay moons ago .. IMO I feel that prop will give far better results .. than Dbol with adding LBM that you add from the cycle ... But thats me

  7. #7
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    What about both d-bol 50 mgs a day prop 100 mgs a day, weeks 1 thru 4, test enen 750 per week 1 thur 12 ????

    ive never ran that exact cycle, but i have run similar stacks...

    works wonders

  8. #8
    hungry4fitness's Avatar
    hungry4fitness is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys. I ran test 500mg my last cycle and then upt it to 750mg and my libido went to hell, so I think I will run it at 500mg this time. I have never bloated on test so dbol might not make me bloat. I posted on the fake or not fake part a few days ago about the dbol I could get, not to sure if it is fake or not. I thought all dbol came with the snake logo and this stuff is kind of a blueish purple heart. What to you think of that. Also if I ran prop ed then I would be shooting twice on mon, wed & friday. I like shooting, but to much hinders my workouts.

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