Hey fellas, just wanted to put my 2 cents in like I always seem to do. I have been getting alot of PM's askin for sources, and I have been instructing these folks to stick around or PM a Mod. However, I had one guy that used my name and PMed a mod to get a source. The point I am trying to make here is, I think everyone needs to check everyone out before handing over a source. Just my opinion. For example, if someone PM's me, and wants a source, I tell him to PM a mod, then that person PM's a mod and says that "S30" told me that you would give me a source", then I would hope that MOD or whomever, would PM me, and ask me about it.
Some folks have been around the board a long time, me included, but still can't be to careful who you can trust. Just yesterday, I asked about a previous source, and found out he was out of business. And I was about to email him, but asked a Mod first. The Mod (I won't mention his name), helped me out by telling me that this person was no longer around.
Also new members, I don't mean to flame or discourage you, but if you are new here, don't expect anyone to give you info on someone. We do not sell AS here, we are just here to give advice and share in one another's knowledge about BB and so forth.
I know folks have said all of this before but it helps to be reminded sometimes.