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  1. #1
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    OPIONIONS from Masteron users... ED or EOD?

    I am including Materon in my next cycle. I was planning on doing it EOD. This is my third cycle and I am planning on running it like so:

    (23 YO, 6'0, 192 lbs. 13.5% BF)

    Weeks 1-4
    Drol - 50 MG ED (Increase it to 100 only if necessary)
    Test E - 250 mg Every third day

    Weeks 5-10
    Test E- 250 mg Every third day
    Masteron 100 mg EOD or 50 mg ED

    Weeks 11-12
    Masteron 100 mg EOD or 50 mg ED

    Nolvadex 20 mg ED throughout cycle

    Proper PCT

    The bold part is where I need some advise. Which do you think will work better for me. Also, how does the rest of the cycle look?

  2. #2
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Dec 2002
    Use definitely everyday man, make sure to use at least 400mg, anything less and i think youll be dissappointed...i was at 350mg EW...

  3. #3
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    I have heard so many mixed opinions on Masteron . From my research I found 100 mg EOD to be effective some even say 75 mg EOD. I also hear people saying ED at ATLEAST 50 mg (350 mg a week). It is my first time with Materon so I want to make sure I don't over use the compound.

  4. #4
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Bump.... How does the cycle look overall?

  5. #5
    Uconish is offline Member
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    Mar 2002
    masteron is primarily a contest prep drug.....i am currently using wont be able to see any results unless you drop your bf down significantly, which will include alot of cardio and dieting....i personally dont like your cycle because you will probably hold water with the use of test e and drol....what are your goals for this cycle, if youre looking to tighten up....have you considered using tbol or anavar instead of drol, or maybe switching to prop.....personally i am in love with the cycle im using for my contest prep.....prop, tren , and masteron.....will be using winnie in a few weeks to finish up......Then again, im no expert, and im sure there are guys that are going to say they like your cycle, so take my opinion like a grain of salt.......Keep researching man, until you find exactly what you want to accomplsih...Just my two cents....

  6. #6
    narrative is offline New Member
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    Oct 2006
    hey guys, if i take masterbol 400mg/ week for 8 weeks do i need HGC during or after cycle? and how much?

    You guys don't think if i take masterbol +anavar for 8 weeks + gym it won't end up in adding muscle mass that is hard and ripped?

  7. #7
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Since both Masteron Prop and Enanthate exist it would depend which it is? If its Masteron Prop shoot it ED if its Enanthate shoot it 2x a week?

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