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Thread: New member, First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Houston, Texas

    Smile New member, First cycle

    Like most, I have questions about my first cycle.

    First- What I want to accomplish is gain 10-15lbs of lean muscle, lose about 5-8% body fat, get stronger and faster.

    Second- My background is: I work out 3 to 6 times a week for anywhere between 45 min to 2+ hours. I mix up my training and working out on a regular basis using the max and meso cycle theory. I do alot of circuit type training to keep heart rate up and I do this with mostly power endurance workouts. (ie max effort for an extended amount of time.) But I also mix in alot of plyometrics, cardio, weight(strength) training, pilates, yoga name it.

    Third- My stats are 185 lbs, 5'11", 20-22% body fat, 32 years old, male.

    I compete in the Firefighter Combat Challenge and my goal is to become faster at my sport.

    I have read alot on this website and asked people I know that use or have used and I get either very general info. or lots of different info. I'm looking for someone who is familiar with my type of training to recommend the best cycles and products to take. Off-season is coming up so I'm looking to start a cycle right before the start of in-season training.

    Thank you very much in advance for any help you all can give. This is an awesome website with greta advise and opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    If your goal is speed, then your training and dieting incorrectly. To get fast it takes alot of ployos, sprints etc.... With over 20% Bf that shows your not training/eating for your goal. I would forget about AAS and focus on what your doing wrong for now.

    Ok I read the begining of your psot and you claim you do ployos, yoga and all that goodstuff. If your Bodyfat is still that high from doing those exercises month after month then your diet is definitly off. Get that fixed....You shouldn't think "steroid" until your under 15% BF weighing 185lbs.
    Last edited by Hellmaskbanned; 10-19-2006 at 02:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    agree with above

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    welcome to AR!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Houston, Texas


    Thanks for the replies. I was judging my body fat on a scale at home. I just had a 9 point bf analysis done today after talking to a personal trainer/firefighter I work with. He thought that seemed high considering my condition and it turned up as 13 %. If that is the true measure I don't want to lose much more than that since I need it for everyday firefighting energy. My diet is good. I eat 5 to 6 small meals everyday. Clean carbs and fruits and veggies for snacks. I'm also drinking protein smoothies or shakes after a workout but that is the only suppliment.
    Thanks again for the quick replies and any more info would be much appreciated.


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