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Thread: Need Some help

  1. #1

    Need Some help

    I'm looking at taking orals.. i'm not to big with needles and i'm wondering what is the best oral for me to take and still train for wrestling.. I'm 6foot 1 and 200 pounds with 10.8% bf... i wanna gain wieght to about 220 while still wrestling 3 or 4 times a week is this possible with orals? I've been looking at oxymetholene will this work with taking cod liver oils and aniestrogens?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Dont take anything, train natural, and eat a lot of food you will be get there ... I assume if your still wreastling your fairly young, therefore your hormone levels are going to be really high, no point in AA's. If your not ready for needles your not ready for AA's... period

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mobile, AL
    I agree with steroidzz butif your asking that means your probably going to take something. I've seen a couple of people who took tbol and got decent results. I guess it all depends what your going for.

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