first I want the long time members to know I've been reading up and really trying to grasp all this without posting like a 'tard.
I'm doing first was going to do 40 mg plus 1 pill of 1 test and 1 pill of 1 ad x 5 weeks.
Now I've decided to do 60mg x 2 1 test x 2 1 ad for 6 weeks..
I'll have left over 1 test (You know previously sold at GNC ect)...will that be ok or do I need pct treatment. I'm nervous being only my 3rd time around at much lower 30mg x 4 weeks in past.
I get all confused with this subject. I know Var's a steroid, but if it doesn't aromatize significantly doesn't that mean no need for post treatments? And what happens if you do, "Shut down", with no post treatment stuff?
I'm 2 days in.