Alright, i need advice. I'm
23 yrs old,
5% body fat,
been lifting off and on for 2yrs, but seriously (5-6 days a week, eating right, etc...) for the past 8 months. started that before i ever even knew anything about steroids.
I've done 1 cycle of deca 300 (starting march 1st, for 10 wks). The gains were good. I went from 150lbs to 160lbs. used chlomid therepy for 2weeks after. didn't lose any mass or strength. I eat 5-6 times a day (healthy), drink as much water as possible (around a gallon a day), whey protien milk shakes 3 times a day, and am on creatine now since i'm not on a cycle anymore. I'm really not a big guy, just lean and fairly ripped.
my goal is 175lbs of lean, keapable, quality muscle (not AS water retension).
My setback is i drink alot (sometimes 5 nights a week, sometimes more). I've cut back, but i still have my binges (ex-girl fucking with my head, oh well just fuels my fire) and i'm still interested in keeping my liver and kidneys intact.
Ok, I know i want EQ b/c i like what i've read about it here. I'm not interested in blowing up, just putting on keepable mass without killing my liver.
What has been suggested to me is
1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg
1-10 EQ 400mg
13-15 Clomid
I need advise as to how i should stack them and if there is something better to stack with EQ.