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Thread: Need help on second cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Need help on second cycle

    Alright, i need advice. I'm
    23 yrs old,
    5% body fat,
    been lifting off and on for 2yrs, but seriously (5-6 days a week, eating right, etc...) for the past 8 months. started that before i ever even knew anything about steroids.
    I've done 1 cycle of deca 300 (starting march 1st, for 10 wks). The gains were good. I went from 150lbs to 160lbs. used chlomid therepy for 2weeks after. didn't lose any mass or strength. I eat 5-6 times a day (healthy), drink as much water as possible (around a gallon a day), whey protien milk shakes 3 times a day, and am on creatine now since i'm not on a cycle anymore. I'm really not a big guy, just lean and fairly ripped.
    my goal is 175lbs of lean, keapable, quality muscle (not AS water retension).
    My setback is i drink alot (sometimes 5 nights a week, sometimes more). I've cut back, but i still have my binges (ex-girl fucking with my head , oh well just fuels my fire) and i'm still interested in keeping my liver and kidneys intact.
    Ok, I know i want EQ b/c i like what i've read about it here. I'm not interested in blowing up, just putting on keepable mass without killing my liver.
    What has been suggested to me is
    1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg
    1-10 EQ 400mg
    13-15 Clomid

    I need advise as to how i should stack them and if there is something better to stack with EQ.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    damn bro only 10lbs off deca 300? anyway i feel ya with the girl thing and all, i do the same thing, get really fucked up and go out to the bar and bring home some random flies. (routine) you just have to decide whats more important though. i'm not flaming or anything, and i know nobody likes to drink more than me, but i put it aside when it comes cycle time. get big, then get the girls. jmo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    o yea, as far as that cycle, looks good. maybe add some d'bol in the 1st 4 weeks and eat like a mad man. good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That cycle looks good but you will need to prioritize. You know you shouldn't drink AT ALL on cycle. You said yourself you wish to spar your organs, well start by dropping the booze. Get some GHB or something if you must but leave the booze alone. It will make reaching your goals that much harder and WILL hurt your body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ok, I know you guys are right and i really understand i need to drop the drinking. And when i start this cycle (beginning of august) i'm dropping drinking altogether. Here's one more thing. I also have a 50cc bottle of reforvit-B (d-ball) that i haven't used. should i work that into the cycle and stack the three of them. or should i just go with EQ and Reforvit-B (i already have the ref-b but not the EQ or Test). And even not drinking would it be good to take milkthistle or that other andubolic acid (whatever the fuck it's called) for liver support? how much difference does it really make?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    no man you need to mail that to attn. rexflexall p.o. box.......j/j if your bulking stick it in the stack. if your taking that stuff you definetly need to curve the drinking cause its real hard on the ol liver. take your milk thistle and some ala while you're taking it too. better to prevent problems before they happen.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by fkn9381
    And even not drinking would it be good to take milkthistle or that other andubolic acid (whatever the fuck it's called) for liver support? how much difference does it really make?

    Thats ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) will need it with the Dbol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    IMO if your gonna take the ref-b you need to cut out the drinking now. Your liver is probably messed up from the alcohol already. Give it some recoup time before the ref-b.

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