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  1. #1
    NX402 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006

    Need some info 2 Custom letters!!!

    Hey guys need some info. I order all my gear off the net. Been doing it for over a year and a half. Get it shipped to diff addy's all the time. Well today got to custom letters sayin the seized gear, but i got all the gear i ordered.
    Whats up? Has this ever happened to anyone else.

  2. #2
    hungry4fitness's Avatar
    hungry4fitness is offline Junior Member
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    Studdville, USA
    Man that is kinda weird to get the letters and still get your stuff. Personally I would put my stuff somewhere else for awhile (not at your house).

  3. #3
    NX402 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    Never had it shipped to my house. Ill be ordering again in months to come see whay happens.

  4. #4
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    If you keep swtiching addy's
    and the last one didn't go where
    you are,you should be good to go.

    But..this is weird for sure,first Im
    hearing about something like this.

  5. #5
    NX402 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    What suxs is that my g/f parents got the letter and there flippin out. Dont know why they would of gotton a letter. The other letter i got said the package contained Deca , but the thing is that i dont use deca.

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    That's pretty fuked up to get gear sent to someones addy without their knowledge. You do realize that if he were to sign for the pack on a controlled delivery that he'd be facing the charges, have to get an attorney etc..

  7. #7
    test-e-junky's Avatar
    test-e-junky is offline Junior Member
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    custom's probably messed up, becareful you got lucky there.

  8. #8
    NX402 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    Its just F*cked up because they say the seized gear, but i vever ordered any gear.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    i had a slightly similair experience. i ordered the bumfights dvds from the usa and recieved them, but a few days after getting them i got a letter from customs saying that they had been seized, as they where offence material and where banned in the uk.

  10. #10
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by test-e-junky
    custom's probably messed up, becareful you got lucky there.
    "great, we've busted another one! let's open this package and see what kinds of illegal paraphenalia he purchased... wait? bow ties and purple dildos? wtf? oops."

    what may have happened here is they suspect you of ordering the stuff, but they're having a very hard time catching the packages. may not have been customs who sent the letter. may have been LE looking for a response on your end that would tip them off in some way. i may be way off, but it's just a theory.

    regardless, take those letters and use them as toilet paper. pretend as if they never existed and don't respond to them in any way whatsoever. if anyone calls you about them or anything like that, you never got them. you know absolutely nothing, barely even know your own name.

  11. #11
    NX402 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    Letters are in the trash. Oh well when i place next order going to order some sachets.

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