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  1. #1
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2006

    nolva for bloat/anti estrogen?

    hello everyone!.about to do my first cycle which consists of 500 mg enth a week.wondering would nolva be ok to run throughout the cycle as an anti estrogen?would it help with bloat?not all that concerned with bloart more so gyno.peeps keep tellin me adex but that ish is real expensive.will get it i guess if i can't get away with nolva. thanks everyone!!!

  2. #2
    RobbieG's Avatar
    RobbieG is offline Member
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    Nolva is NOT anti estrogen.

    if you want to control estrogen and bloating, use an AI.

    Letrozole , Arimidex or Aromasin .

    I prefer Aromasin, you won´t feel a thing while on it.

    on the other hand, letro and arimidex you will feel the effect, as you will become a bit lethargic, probably get a cold and your sex drive will decrease.

    You can get aromasin in most research site, click - > ar-r for a research chemical with flavor.

    Aromasin -> chemical name: Exemest Exemestane

  3. #3
    RobbieG's Avatar
    RobbieG is offline Member
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    since ar-r does not carry aromasin , just get letro and use LOW dose.

    0.5 is way to much for your cycle, 0.25 is enough

  4. #4
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    As he said above nolva by no means is a anti-e, and i dont think it should be used as one either, which many people do. I would use arimidex over letro, as for letro using it keeps estrogen levels extremly low which could alter gains from cycle, letro is used for harsh'r cycles. THerefore i would use arimidex at .5 eod , or .25 ed, and you will be very happy with its results. Go to ar-r and get the arimidex it isnt very expensive at all....

  5. #5
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2006
    appreciate it fellas!!

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I wouldnt suggest jumping right into using letro especially with only test in your cycle.

    Letro can have harsh sides and reduces estrogen very well, however, you still want SOME estrogen in your body. Basically, I would suggest using the least amount of any AI/SERM that it takes to control sides and help PCT. 10mg nolva will be fine and if bloating is really that much of an issue then use adex as well and bump the nlva up to 20mg ed.

    If you are runing something like high amounts of deca and/or tren , THEN I would say letro but, that is really a retty basic/safe cycle and you shouldnt have to use letro, nor should you really want to.

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