Just wondering what your favortie cycle was and what results did you get? It can be either a cutting or bulking it does not matter.
Just wondering what your favortie cycle was and what results did you get? It can be either a cutting or bulking it does not matter.
test,d-bol junkie.pumps are insane
Anadrol, enenthate.
ny favourite cycle was a BMX. It was good for jumps and bunnyhops.
perfect beast thats freakin hilarious!!
Bet you couldn't pop a wheelieOriginally Posted by perfectbeast2001
test/deca/dbol bulker test/mast/winny or var cutter
gettnjacked you beat me to the bulker...cutter i like test eq winni
Cyp\EQ\Tren What a great cycle that was....
I've never cycled but I'd say
500mg Test E
400-500mg Tren E
30mg dbol or Sdrol
Originally Posted by reddragon4954
Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
WTF.Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
Tbol/Test Enan.
Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
it said favorite cycle. lol. leave me alone.![]()
Why do you like it then?Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
It doesnt look sexy to me....
What ever flicks your switch huh....
LOL...Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
Still how is this YOUR personal favorite cycle? Not flaming you or anything but how has this come to be your favorite?Originally Posted by PainfulPleasure
Do you like looking at the vials and little tables and do pretend jabs?
(sori m8 i am only buzzin')![]()
Fella's banned.Originally Posted by BIG_T_MC06
Get this back on track or it will be locked.
There are sooooo many to choose from lol
Not going to include doseages as these are individualy dependant.
Here are two i have had great results off and liked a lot
Test suspension
Inj D-bol
Andstonon (similar to sus but with an additional ester 300mg/ml)
Var, Prop, Masteron, Tren.. loved it.. wicked cutting cycle....
Feb 1 cant come soon enough!!!
My best strength and bulking cycle is
1-8 Test @ 1.5 grams
1-6 D-bol @ 40mgs
1-6 Anadrol @ 100 mgs
I don't nbelieve in PCT, so if I'm not doing HRt
week 9 750 mgs test
week 10 375 mgs
week 11 200
week 12 100
week 13 off
Note: we didn't have the meds in the 70', 80's for pct and recovered just fine without them..so seeing it's cheaper to taper test why start with the pct med's now.
Interesting.Originally Posted by Jefferey
I tried a taper after my last cycle as well.
No pct for some reason (curiosity.. BajanBastard and i were talking about it so i gave it a try)...and i'm still as strong and still popping boners.
I know a bunch of old school bodybuilders here who've been cycling for decades who don't use pct either.
Dbol/ Test/ Deca/ Var.
Net 15lbs
thats interesting no pct? hmmm....
as for my fave cycle so far...I would have to say the last one I did
Test E, Tren E, Eq - amazing strength and LBM
but my next cycle will def be the best...Var, Test E, Tren E, Masteron E
how many weeks until ur cycle ends to start tapering
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