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Thread: doing research and need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    doing research and need some advice

    im 19 years old, 5 foot 11, 170 lbs and have been working out for two years. i dont plan on doing my first cycle for at least another year, maybe two, right now i am just trying to gather information. i have access to deca and i will try to enclose a picture of the type, although i will probably do something wrong and it wont work. my friends have stacked deca (im not sure if the picture is the same kind) with tess but is this really necessary? id rather just stick to the deca but i am not sure how i should cycle it. im still researching clomid but i am not sure how much to take and a what point of my cycle to start it. my goal is not to get as huge as a bodybuilder in a few weeks, i just want to put on a couple more pounds of muscle. one more thing, how will smoking cigs affect my gains. thanks guys.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gear.jpg 
Views:	123 
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ID:	11296  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    That's Ttokkyo Deca, it's good stuff...If you are just looking for a little mass, try 400mg EQ and 400mg test per week. You won't get too bloated and it will yeild good results...I've got a friend on his first cycle and he's using 400mg eq per weeks and 30mg winny everyday. He's up about 8 lbs in 5 weeks and seems to be getting a little leaner as well. You may also wanna think about an anavar/eq cycle ot an anavar/ test prop cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    if u just want a few lbs at 19 no need to juice!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    if u just want a few lbs at 19 no need to juice!!
    Sounds to me like he's not going to start til he's 20 or 21...Doesn't sound too bad to me as long as he has been dedicated to his lifting and nutrition and not looking to the juice as a crutch so he can slack off. (definately doesn't sound like those are his intentions though)

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