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  1. #1
    MMA Fighter is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Questions on what for my situation

    How is it going? I am brand new to this site and it was suggested to me from a personal friend. I have been browsing around for awhile now before signing aboard. I first want to say I really enjoy reading about this and have been fascinated about steroids for a long time now. I train with a bunch of fighters who have dabbled in them but as far as knowledge, I believe they have all been hit in the head to much.

    My situation: I have been training in Mixed Martial Art (mma) for quite some time now. I am currently fighting over in Tokyo Oct 28th-Nov 3rd for the World Championships in karate. They are doing testing for steroids which is fine because I have never taken any. After Nov 3rd I plan on taking some serious time off from cardio and cutting weight and plan on bulking up as much as possible.

    My Body type: I am 5’7, naturally 150-155lbs but cut to 135-140 for fighting (boxing, mma, muay thai, karate..ect). I would put myself around 5-7% body fat right now but I am also cut because I am fighting so soon. I would like to be 165-170lbs so I can be able to fight in 150lb weight classes for mma events when I cut weight. At this current time I am screwed in my weight class because I am to light.

    What I was wondering was:

    1) Personal advise one what would work best for my body type. I am not looking to stay on a substance for an extended period of time. I was looking at a couple month stack at most. (I would be more interested in a steroid that gives me less gain over one that gives me more gains but not as healthy)

    2) How much can I expect or hope for on this supplement?

    3) How much can I expect to lose (muscle wise/weight) once I am off it?

    4) How can I get my testosterone & estrogen levels back down to normal? What should I take for this? (I just want to be healthy and not get a nice set of Bob tits from fightclub haha).

    Thank you very much for you help! Like I said I am new to this. I have been into nutrition for some time now so I understand the eating aspect of this. I am just naturally a smaller body type (Ectomorphs).

    Thanks again,

  2. #2
    MMA Fighter is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I realize I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry about that!! Could you please post this for me in the proper forum for me because I'm an Incompetent moron! Thanks

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