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Thread: Methyl-Drol XT vs. Superdrol

  1. #1

    Methyl-Drol XT vs. Superdrol

    Hi i have taken anabolic extremes superdrol before and had awsome results, i just recently bought a bottle of methyl drol xt, and every1 says its the same as superdrol, but on the back of the bottle the formula is different instead of methasterone, which is the key ingrediant in superdrol, methyl drol xt's ingrediant is 2a,17a di methyl etiocholan 3-one, 17b-ol û... my firend is trying to tell me that the superdrol is different, and better, idn if hes just syaing this because its more expensive, what is the truth about this??? anyone take both of these and see different results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    in the undertow
    I believe they are the same.I think the company that endorses it has also said they were the same

  3. #3
    anyone else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Your hot moms bedroom
    I've used both and had pretty much exact same results with both. Good strength and weight gains, and some pretty bad back pumps. But to answer your question, yes, they are the same thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    It's superdrol.

  6. #6
    its all market, its a knock off clone of superdrol

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