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  1. #1
    2003sonicblue's Avatar
    2003sonicblue is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005

    Advice For Next Cycle Please!!!!

    hey guys my last cycle consisted of deca , sust and dbol . i started at 140lbs, 5'8" in awesome shape and went up to 165 lbs. im at about 160 now. this was 6 months ago. im wanting to start a new cycle soon and was wanting to run tren a. should i use a short ester test like test prop with it or would test e be okay to run? i was going to run both with winstrol as well. i was thinking of running the cycle as follows:

    test e- 250mg eod
    tren-75-100mg eod?
    winny- 50mg every 3rd day.

    should i wait to run the winstrol til near the end of the cycle, maybe weeks 9-12? and ideas for pct? last time i ran clomid and nolva. was thinking maybe going with arimidex ed 1mg. any ideas guys? thanks alot.

    keep in mind, i havent bought any gear yet as i am still just getting a rough idea of what im going to be doing. thanks guys

  2. #2
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Sep 2005
    itz way too early to use tren ..IMO you should wait ...go with some test e and d-bol....

  3. #3
    2003sonicblue's Avatar
    2003sonicblue is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005
    no tren huh. i still have alot of dbol left. what were you thinking. maybe around 750 a week test, 50mg a day dbol? what if i jusmp started that cycle with anadrol at 50mg ed for first 4-6 weeks? are you saying leave out the winny too?

  4. #4
    2003sonicblue's Avatar
    2003sonicblue is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005
    and what do you think of eq?

  5. #5
    2003sonicblue's Avatar
    2003sonicblue is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005
    46 idea before you even write back. what about test e, eq and then anadrol 1st 4-6 wks only

  6. #6
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2005
    i weighed 160 at 15.....just an fyi.......but yeah about that tren idk

  7. #7
    2003sonicblue's Avatar
    2003sonicblue is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005
    46 that all you've got for me?? lol. i threw out a few different ideas for you guys! and were you 160 and fat or were you solid at 15? how do you post pictures on here also?

  8. #8
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Sep 2005
    i wouldn't go as high as that ... 500mg of test e and 30 mg of d-bol..will get you far
    keep some nolva at hand ..and also look out for can make or brake a cycle

  9. #9
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Sep 2005
    whatz your bf??and your age???IMO you started early ..i would have waited untill 180 lbs gained natural

    anyway good luck

  10. #10
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2005
    160 lbs. at 15 and pretty solid.......starting jv linebacker....its absurd that a 160 lb guy is even talking about his second cycle...

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