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Thread: deca shutdown

  1. #1
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    deca shutdown

    3rd cycle - goals-clean bulk
    (previous have consisted of mainly test,eq,winny)

    about to start a cycle of test E (500mg/wk) for 10-12 weeks. i'll be taking approx 300-500iu/week of HCG to help from totally shutting down and making PCT more bearable afterwards.

    now my question is that i have 2 grams of deca that i was consider running @ 300-400mg/week along with the test e, but am hesitant due to the total shutdown deca provides:

    'We can see from the chart below that a simgle measly 100mg injection of Deca caused a total (100%) reduction of natural testosterone levels , and it took roughly a month to return those testosterone levels to baseline! All from 100mgs of Deca! " - from the profiles

    • what type of percentage shutdown would test provide? similar to the deca?
    • should i skip on the deca to make recovery (PCT) easier?

    any knowledge/comments? thanks you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    You will also be shut down from the test, so shutdown will already occur deca or not.

  3. #3
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    You will also be shut down from the test, so shutdown will already occur deca or not.
    thanks, yeah i understand. but do you believe that recovery will be more time consuming/difficult if deca is ran also?
    recovery from test alone & recovery from test&deca together are pretty similar?

    i have all proper pct prepared (hcg ,proviron ,nolva,clomid) and arimidex /hcg for during


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    thanks, yeah i understand. but do you believe that recovery will be more time consuming/difficult if deca is ran also?
    recovery from test alone & recovery from test&deca together are pretty similar?

    i have all proper pct prepared (hcg ,proviron ,nolva,clomid) and arimidex /hcg for during


    Some say it's harder , some don't.
    I would say there would be little difference in recovery IMO.

  5. #5
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    thanks hellmask, maybe 300mg/week wont hurt

    anyone else can share experiences on recovery comparison, etc?

  6. #6
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    *bump* for the night crew, anyone with experiences?

  7. #7
    Tattoo70's Avatar
    Tattoo70 is offline Associate Member
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    Your girlfriend knows
    I've used deca on a couple different occations and never had a problem getting back to normal...

  8. #8
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    I ran my test at a gram/wk, and deca at 750/wk.....Took me three months to recover..... never again for me......

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