Currently starting a 10week cycle of Test E at 400mg a week..
What are your thoughts on consuming alcohol...
Currently starting a 10week cycle of Test E at 400mg a week..
What are your thoughts on consuming alcohol...
Plain and simple: dont.
I thought you were going to hold off on cycling...
But anyways.. I'm not going to answer this because it has been asnwered 1000 of times...
do a search.. for it
in general if your serious about training and your health you shouldn't but people have even when running more liver toxic compounds.
thanks im still up in the air about cycling FEZ just been doing lots of research appreciate ur help and concern
you should do 500 mg/ew for 12 weeks, imo.
Read this:
Great post thanks Johny
Yeah dont drink, i drank once, on my birthday while i was on orals, thought i was going to die, you will only make that mistake once...
Will you inhibit your gains...maybe
Is it ruff on your liver...probally
Is it better to not drink while on...definetly
It probally wont kill you...but if you are serious enough about lifting....drinking should be oput on the back burner
Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
Well done Bro...awesome info....!!!!
YES.. very well put...I had to quit my ice cold, frosty, pleasing, refreshing, tasty, almost better than sex, BEER.... Took me a few weeks, but just gradually cut back enough that I didnt care for it.Originally Posted by damiongage
I have to be honest though... maybe twice a week I will have a glass or two of red wine.. But I always heard this is no harm, so doesnt worry me....
trust me buddy it is hard not to drink once a week but it aint worth it sometime you just have to learn to say no even to your best friends
i stopped totally for the entire cycle. 15 weeks, and it was easy being that i was a heavy drinker on the weekends.
I pounded beer ALLLLLL summer...But boy did it make my gut bloat...It was actually easy for me to quit once I paid for my cycle... Didnt want to throw it all in the garbage due to drinking...Then one day a few weeks after that I had a couple, and felt like complete SH*t the next day. I swear I only had three.. That headache made me give it up completely....
the two lifestlyes dont go together
pick one
its that simple
old thread, but **** it! if you drink your ass off for one day a week, it aint gonna do shit.( as long as your not on orals) more than one day a week and it might **** with your lifting. will it **** with your test levels, hell no! if your on 400mg a week it aint gonna make a damn diff. lifestyle my ass, if u cant flaunt it in the night club scene then y do it? more than half the mofos on here are NOT bodybuilders. i dont know why everyone here thinks drinking is the ****in devil and the crusher of all gains! pleeze someone explain!
maxa you bumped a dead thread to talk crap. Start a new thread if you must and prepare to be flamed to all hell.
Originally Posted by maxamann
if half are not which half would you be??? the skinny half.....![]()
Alcohol is the anti testosterone. It's that simple.Originally Posted by maxamann
Now thats a smart question. Have to give it some serious thought.
I pretty much drank right through my first cycle. Stupid I know, but no harm was done. Might have hindered my gains, but who knows. I never drank while doing orals, but I see nothing worng while injecting. Itll mess with your protein synthesis, but i dont think enough to ruin your gains tremendously. If your looking to get full face value from your gear, then stay away from the beers.
How Posted by maxamann
Go dig up one of the numerous alcohol threads in the educational forum.
That's what it's there for.
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