how far should you pull back the plunger- just till you see bubbles?
how far should you pull back the plunger- just till you see bubbles?
Originally Posted by italionos
That is more then enugh.
If you aer in a vein, blood will shoot back very easily.
how far should you pull back the plunger? just till you see bubbles?
oh ok thanx alot
That was the blood that was in the barrel.. I was being lazy when I shot it out.. But ya.. it poured outta my glute.. nice and steady.. A little pressure and was good to go.. Today it hurts like a MOFO!! and is swollen.. bruised a little too.. who knows.. Im gonna tough it out and see what happens.. very glad I aspirated though!?!?
i dont aspirate, never got in the habit of doing so.
Guys i am sorry but can someone answer again rafael's question, in case we shoot into a vain and start cou***ng what measures have to be taken?
I think we've said it ten times in this post.. ASPIRATE and you will NOT shoot in a vein.. therefore will not need measures to be taken..
btw.. the glute is feeling a little better today.. swelling has went down some..
i always aspirate.
i'm currently using tren (first time). i aspirate, and get bubbles. so i continue with the procedure. sometimes, i still get the cough. obviously while the needle was moving around whilst injcting i must have moved into a vein right?
aspirating is not always the only indication that ur in a vein. with tren, the cough is the last indicator for me.
are there compounds that dont have tells like tren?
I aspirate most of the time… got blood twice… it took very little pressure when I pulled back on the plunger..
Always aspirate bro it just part of doing it right.
I still have to read more so I dunno what people said but I hate 25 gauge with a fruitful pashion. IMO they suck balls. I know, it's just my opinion, but there it is. 23 gauge is millions of times better.Originally Posted by aadrenaline
Definately could've. I've had that happen before, mostly in my quads and glutes when it does. It sucks.Originally Posted by duramaxedge
Why does aspirating winstrol suck?
Actually i always do. Btw is that on the pic the needle you use for glute injection, what length is it ? It just looks too short to me.Originally Posted by duramaxedge
Last edited by anabolicpower; 02-08-2007 at 11:24 AM.
Not much you can do, just ride it out bro.Originally Posted by anabolicpower
Hopefully the cough comes after you inject and not when your injecting.
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