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  1. #1
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    500mg to 750mg, noticable difference?

    I was talking with a friend at the gym this weekend and we were discussing his next possible cycle (3rd cycle lifetime) and how he wanted to go heavy this time. His previous cycles were identical as follows...

    10 week
    d-bol 50mg ED (1-4)
    500 test e (1-10)
    Nolva (4-14)
    clomid (13-15)

    This time he is talking about upping the Test to 1000-1250mg for bigger gains. He is only 24 and in really good form right now. 5'11, 194lbs (up from 165lbs 18months and 2 cycles ago) and 9% BF (Im jealous cause the 9% is without any help like winny etc..and very little cardio) He makes decent gains per cycle and his diet is, for lack of a better term, "perfect" and his dedication to it is amazing. His goal is 225lbs and roughly the same BF by next May.

    Anyways, to the question. I suggested that he has enough time to run almost 2 complete cycles by that time (with 3 months off in between) so maybe he should consider just doing 2 cycles @ 750mg.

    In the opinions of those who have done larger dosage cycles, is the jump to 750mg going to make noticable results over the regular 500/week cycles or would you say go for the 1000-1250 like he suggests?

    Thanx guys...

  2. #2
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    Trainning and diet is the key for big gains,roids are a complement,not the main ingridient.You can run 1,000mg/week and look like a crap,but you can rum 500mg/week with a good diet/training program and look great.


  3. #3
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    Trainning and diet is the key for big gains,roids are a complement,not the main ingridient.You can run 1,000mg/week and look like a crap,but you can rum 500mg/week with a good diet/training program and look great.

    I agree ... just becasue you decide to jump ip in dose dont mean you will jump in size .. but can get the oppsite... more side effects.... imo dose should be more around where your body size is meaning if you are 6" 280 than yes a person can benifit from 1g or better of AAS.... IMO one should just increase just a little at a time .. becasue increase to fast you miss out on a lot of good gains ... and once you go to high .. you can never go back to small amounts ..... and remember FOOD , DIET is what makes you grow not more AAS .... So my advise would be based off this also I would tell him to get his diet in check alot better ..i,e More cals food . protien , carbs

    10 week
    d-bol 50mg ED (1-4)
    500 test e (1-10)
    Nolva (4-14)
    clomid (13-15)

    Try some different compounds ..... like TEST C SUS250 .. DECA ... there is no need to jump up that high ..try this cycle

    Week-1-4 TEST P 150mg EOD Or 100mg ED
    Week 1-12 test C or E 500mg a week
    Week 1-10 deca 400mg a week

    HCG for mid cycle and PCt alonmg with a good A'I also a good PCt ... he will beifit much better from this than jumping to 1g Test dose
    Last edited by V_Vandetta; 10-30-2006 at 08:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    Trainning and diet is the key for big gains,roids are a complement,not the main ingridient.You can run 1,000mg/week and look like a crap,but you can rum 500mg/week with a good diet/training program and look great.
    Definately understandable... but as mentionned, his diet is amazing. Whether he is growing or cutting, he sticks to his regime like no one I have seen. I wont write out his daily 7 meal/day bulking diet, but it is really good. He built it with a national level BB alongside his girlfriend who is a pshysiotherapist and dietician and also competes in fitness comp's.

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta

    Try some different compounds ..... like TEST C SUS250 .. DECA ... there is no need to jump up that high ..try this cycle

    Week-1-4 TEST P 150mg EOD Or 100mg ED
    Week 1-12 test C or E 500mg a week
    Week 1-10 deca 400mg a week

    HCG for mid cycle and PCt alonmg with a good A'I also a good PCt ... he will beifit much better from this than jumping to 1g Test dose
    Funny you should mention, he has half a cycle of Sust 250 that I gave him. It was given to me when another friend had to drop his cycle midway due to drug testing that he was not aware was coming (dumb situation). Either way, Im not ready to start AAS so I gave it to him.

    But yah, this was the main response I was looking for. I couldnt see the reasoning for the huge dosage for his goals.
    Last edited by Knockout_Power; 10-30-2006 at 08:16 AM.

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