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Thread: Newbie Q on Sustanon and Winstrol

  1. #1

    Newbie Q on Sustanon and Winstrol

    New to the boards and I had a question or two for the experts around here (thankfully this board is not in short supply of these--a nice change of pace from the rest of the 'Net, I might add): I'm looking into doing some Sustanon 250 with Winstrol for my first cycle. I'm thinking 12 weeks of Sus once a week @250, but I was wondering if this is sufficient--should I ramp it up in a pyramid scheme or is 250 a week going to get the job done? I'd gather it is as I've never done this sort of thing before, but I'd like to be certain.

    Also, how serious a concern is gyno? Has anybody on this board legitamately had to deal with it? Is Clomid a good idea at the end of a cycle as a 'just in case' measure?

    Thanks in advance, guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you forgot to mention your stats, what your looking for, and how old you are. anyway, i suggest ramping sus and then tapering it down. the only problem that i can see the frequent injections of winny. it's a pain the ass (no pun intended). you may want to try oral winny or even try drinking it. as for the clomid, sus doesn't aromitoize alot, but i think that clomid is necessary. instead of winny, you may want to think about something like clen. it effective, cheap, and is a good anti catabolic, which is important if you want to keep gains post cycle. you shouldn't have a problem with gyno, but if your still worried, mix in some nolvadex at the end. good luck with your cycle

  3. #3
    I'm 5'8", about 160 with 12% bodyfat, age 27--wanna get back up to 185 which is where I was about three years ago (strictly naturally).

    I know I could get there the clean way, but I don't really have the drive I had back then (school allowed me way too much free time to fixate on such things) and I have a life that needs to exist away from the gym these days--ah, youth...

    Will the Clen actually work as well as the Winny? I have a bunch of Clen, but that stuff tends to make me nuts. I don't handle thermogenics well--VERY sensitive to their effects whether it be Clen or its easier to get counterparts.

    Thanks for your input!

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    I dont recommend sus and winny - also I never recommend tapering (or pryamid) an oil steroid - also clomid isnt a "just in case" its a staple of your cycle - for your goals i would recommend taking sus at 500 and deca at 400 for 10wks straight following up with clomid at the end, if you are concerned with gyno get some nolv and if you would like to throw winny into your cycle at the end this would benefit you AND safe gaurd you from gyno potential from the deca

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I am on a Sus cycle now 500mg weekly....4 weeks in........taking 10 mgs nolva Ed and have clomid for mentiond throwing in winny..................

    could you explain when you would want to this, and what the benifit is?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Short_Guy
    I'm thinking 12 weeks of Sus once a week @250, but I was wondering if this is sufficient...
    It's not really. Sus should be shot no further apart than EOD to maintain stable blood levels and minimize sides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    this is true sust should be shoot eod due to the prop. what you should be doing it 12 weeks of sust eod at 500mg for 12 weeks. then you should take the winny at the end of the cycle. winy should be week 9-14 then you would start your pct 2 days after. when ever you run test you should have some nolv for an anti-e 10mg day is all you need 1-12

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thread date: 08-22-2001

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