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Thread: injecting in ur shoulder makes your arms grow ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    injecting in ur shoulder makes your arms grow ?

    injecting in ur shoulder makes your arms grow ? some ppl say it happens other say it dont , whats ur opinion? like does your biceps or triceps or shoulder grow from injecting into the dealt or tricep or bicep ?

  2. #2
    short answer... not really... however over time it could stretch out the fascia and enable the muscle to get larger than it could naturally, however in order to do that it would require a lot of injections... same goes for synthol... it makes the muscle appear bigger by engorging it with oil but the only way you would gain permanent size is by tearing that fascia.. altho a spot inject is cool to make the muscle appear bigger in the meantime

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    controversial, some swear by it, some dont...whatever. do what you think is best, personally and logically it makes sense to me if the compound is esterless and has direct access to the cell there then why wouldn't they hit the receptors there and aid in growth?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Injecting in your A$$ will make your arms grow, if your training and eating! Just kidding bro! I could not resist!

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