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  1. #1
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    First time with tren

    OK here is the cycle I'm planing on for jan, I've run prop before so I know 100mg is a good dose for me I was just thinking about the tren I would like to keep it low to start with but, am I using too much test and no enough tren?

    Prop, wks 1-10, 100mg ED
    Tren, wks 1-8, 50mg ED

    B6, weeks 1-10, 200mg ED
    Aromasin , wks 1-10, 12.5mg ED
    Proviron , wks 1-10, 50mg ED
    T3, 25mcgs, wks 1-8 ED

    Nolvadex , 11-15, 20mg ED
    Aromasin, 11-15, 25mg ED
    B6, wks 11-15 200mg ED
    vitamin E, wks 11-15 1000iu ED

  2. #2
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    that depends... whats you cycle history?
    This is my 3rd run with it and what works best for me is 150mg/ed...
    And this is also my 7th cycle....

  3. #3
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    that depends... whats you cycle history?
    This is my 3rd run with it and what works best for me is 150mg/ed...
    And this is also my 7th cycle....

    I've run three cycles so far,
    test prop 100mg ed 10 weeks
    test e 500mg wk 10 weeks
    test e 600mg wk with var 100mg ed for 12weeks

  4. #4
    DHew's Avatar
    DHew is offline Senior Member
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    test e 600mg wk with var 100mg ed for 12weeks
    12 weeks is a long time to run var. Did you get blood tests done afterwords? What did it look like?

  5. #5
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    12 weeks is a long time to run var. Did you get blood tests done afterwords? What did it look like?
    WHOA!! no kidding... Hows the 'ol liver doing??

  6. #6
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    I always run my test at least 12 weeks... usually 16..
    Same for the Tren , although some may say only run it for 8-10, 16 is my personal magic number....

  7. #7
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    WHOA!! no kidding... Hows the 'ol liver doing??
    Yeah I guess I should have written it better, The cycle was
    1-12wks test e 600mg
    4-12wks var 100mg

    Anyway, tren for 16 weeks? So you don't see a problem with the prop running double what the tren is?

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    You should also use Proviron at around 50mg/ED for PCT. No exceeding 150mg/ED. If you want me to list the benifits, I will?

    Also, your using a 19-Nor. When I use a 19-Nor, which I will onday, I will use HCG throughout to maintain testicular size and function at around 125-500ius 2/3 times weekly. And for PCT.

  9. #9
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    You should also use Proviron at around 50mg/ED for PCT. No exceeding 150mg/ED. If you want me to list the benifits, I will?

    Also, your using a 19-Nor. When I use a 19-Nor, which I will onday, I will use HCG throughout to maintain testicular size and function at around 125-500ius 2/3 times weekly. And for PCT.

    Shit now this is how it looks....

    Prop, wks 1-10, 100mg ED
    Tren , wks 1-8, 50mg ED

    B6, weeks 1-10, 200mg ED
    Aromasin , wks 1-10, 12.5mg ED
    Proviron, wks 1-10, 50mg ED
    T3, 25mcgs, wks 1-8 ED
    HCG , 250iu wks 1-10 EOD

    Proviron, wks 11-15, 50mg ED
    Nolvadex , 11-15, 20mg ED
    Aromasin, 11-15, 25mg ED
    B6, wks 11-15 200mg ED
    vitamin E, wks 11-15 1000iu ED
    HCG, 250iu wks 11-15 EOD

    I'm a walking chemical

  10. #10
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think you're running too much HCG . For the length of your cycle, I'd shoot HCG the last week or so of your cycle and maybe the first week of PCT.


  11. #11
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I think you're running too much HCG . For the length of your cycle, I'd shoot HCG the last week or so of your cycle and maybe the first week of PCT.

    You tren users you run stuff like this?
    Prop, wks 1-10, 100mg ED
    Tren, wks 1-8, 50mg ED

    B6, weeks 1-10, 200mg ED
    Aromasin , wks 1-10, 12.5mg ED
    Proviron , wks 1-10, 50mg ED
    T3, 25mcgs, wks 1-8 ED

    Proviron, wks 11-15, 50mg ED
    Nolvadex , 11-15, 20mg ED
    Aromasin, 11-15, 25mg ED
    B6, wks 11-15 200mg ED
    vitamin E, wks 11-15 1000iu ED
    HCG, 250iu wks 11-13 EOD

    alright I still think this is a little over kill for a 10 weeks cycle. can anyone tell me something else I need or don't need.

  12. #12
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Tren dose seems low to me, but I have ran it 3 times already....

  13. #13
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    Tren dose seems low to me, but I have ran it 3 times already....
    I don't think 50mg/ed is a bad dose to start tren at for a first timer...I'd start it at that dose and adjust your dose accordingly, depending on sides or results.
    I ran tren at 50mg/ed my first time and it was more than enough..I've ran it 3x and still won't exceed 100mg/ed.


  14. #14
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I don't think 50mg/ed is a bad dose to start tren at for a first timer...I'd start it at that dose and adjust your dose accordingly, depending on sides or results.I ran tren at 50mg/ed my first time and it was more than enough..I've ran it 3x and still won't exceed 100mg/ed.

    absolutely... great advice!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    50 mgs a day is a great starting dose for tren . This is my second run with it and Im doing that exact cycle(10 weeks test 1oo/day 50 tren) but I kicked mine off with 45mgs of dbol for three weeks. Im up 13 pounds in three weeks. Now Im dropping the dbol and bringing the tren to 75/day. Im looking great!!! Im also running .5mgs of duta/day. gotta watch the hair, my fiance isnt fond of bald heads...

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