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  1. #1
    BigHuman's Avatar
    BigHuman is offline Associate Member
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    Rotating Injection sites, advice needed.

    Ok so I have been injecting steriods for a while now.

    And have done a few cycles.

    I am in week two of my current cycle so have a way to go on this one.

    What Im after is advice on rotating where to inject so you dont inject the same area to often.

    Now my problem is I cant inject into my legs, or bum the common places , due to a nasty abcess last year I had which was a nightmare, never want to go there again!
    So that leaves with upper body, Now the places I jab are my Triceps,Delts.
    I have just tried my biceps a few days ago, but not sure if I will continue with this one as have heard horror stories from people getting abcesses in biceps.
    Now I have to inject everyday because im on test prop and tren so everday injecting are needed.
    So in one week Il do my both my triceps on first day, then next day both my delts, then its back to Triceps.
    So in one week im injecting into delts and triceps four times.
    Im sure this is to much in the one area, and have read how you should only jab same area once a week before hitting it again.
    But how can I do this since I need to jab everday?
    I have heard people doing chest jabs, but again alot of people from my gym have had abcesses from injecting chest. and many pro body builders have advised me against chest jabs.
    So it only leaves delts,triceps,biceps ( still not sure bout this one! )

    What do you guys think bout all this?
    I dont want to get any problems but dont see how I can do anything else with my current cycle.
    Any advice would be great, thanks

  2. #2
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    try typing spot injections in google that will show you a site that gives pretty clear indications of spots to inject hope i didnt break any rules

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Have you tried shooting lats or traps?

  4. #4
    BigHuman's Avatar
    BigHuman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
    Have you tried shooting lats or traps?
    Well the guys I train with at my gym are pro bodybuilders in England.
    And they always go on saying anyone who jabs anywhere other than legs,bum,delts,tricep are daft!

    They keep going on about how it is so easy to get an abcess or infection from jabing biceps,traps,pecs\chest,lats.
    They always go on about people who do these areas saying they are playing with fire.
    And because they are pro body builders I sort of listen to them I guess, so it makes me think well they must know what they are talking bout so il stay clear of those sites.

    They say its because if you went to a doctor for an injection, the doctor would only ever inject you into your bum which is popular place, your legs again popular, ive had an injection from a doctor in my delt before, and also tricep.
    They say a doctor would never ever jab you in your biceps/traps/chest would they, because they know its more dangerous as lots of vains in those areas and easier to get infection.

    The whole thing has me confused and its doing my head in!

    Lots of people in these forums say they jab, chest, traps ect.
    But lots also stay stay away have seen 2 many horror abcess stories from people jabbing those areas.
    And in my life here, ive seen nasty effects of people getting abcesses from chest/peck injections. big holes cut out these chest!

    I just dont know what to do, il prob just stick to hitting my triceps and delts I guess.
    Id rather be safe, then chance other sites that worry me.

  5. #5
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    i thought an abcess was a matter of sterility, therefore it wouldnt matter where you inject.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigrond
    try typing spot injections in google that will show you a site that gives pretty clear indications of spots to inject hope i didnt break any rules
    You didnt break any rules and it is good advice. Bighuman, have a look at that site it is very informative and should answer all your questions.

    jing jai

  7. #7
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    When you wound up with abcesses in your glutes and legs, what did the doctor say was the cause? Was it bacterial?
    Last edited by Pac8541; 11-03-2006 at 08:30 AM.

  8. #8
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac8541

    Well that didn't work. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks...
    spot injections . com

  9. #9
    MrMe's Avatar
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    I thought chest was going to be the most pain, but it was painless and simple. I've only done quads and chest so far and i love chest much more, I dont even feel any pain at all.

    Im going to be kickstarting with prop my next cycle too and im trying to get the courage to try glute and delts!

  10. #10
    Pac8541's Avatar
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    For me, glutes and delts are my preferred spots. Legs hurt a little but I've not had any health issues from my 6 sites yet and the pain hasn't been any greater than it would be if I'd been punched. Just feels like a bruise. Haven't tried chest and don't plan to. Scares me a little.

  11. #11
    MrMe's Avatar
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    You wouldnt beleive that you have enough meet there, but there is. Only reason i tried it there was because i wanted to be able to use both hands, was still a newbie! Like i said, it was beyond easy and painless... I used 25g 1 inch pin.

  12. #12
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    Well the guys I train with at my gym are pro bodybuilders in England.
    And they always go on saying anyone who jabs anywhere other than legs,bum,delts,tricep are daft!

    They keep going on about how it is so easy to get an abcess or infection from jabing biceps,traps,pecs\chest,lats.
    They always go on about people who do these areas saying they are playing with fire.
    And because they are pro body builders I sort of listen to them I guess, so it makes me think well they must know what they are talking bout so il stay clear of those sites.

    They say its because if you went to a doctor for an injection, the doctor would only ever inject you into your bum which is popular place, your legs again popular, ive had an injection from a doctor in my delt before, and also tricep.
    They say a doctor would never ever jab you in your biceps/traps/chest would they, because they know its more dangerous as lots of vains in those areas and easier to get infection.

    The whole thing has me confused and its doing my head in!

    Lots of people in these forums say they jab, chest, traps ect.
    But lots also stay stay away have seen 2 many horror abcess stories from people jabbing those areas.
    And in my life here, ive seen nasty effects of people getting abcesses from chest/peck injections. big holes cut out these chest!

    I just dont know what to do, il prob just stick to hitting my triceps and delts I guess.
    Id rather be safe, then chance other sites that worry me.

    I would still try to do quads if I were you.

    There's nothing like having those two extra
    spots to seems your shooting
    too often right now. I understand the concern
    with a abcesss forming,but as long as you are
    sterile,and the gear is shouldn't need
    to worry about that.

  13. #13
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have tried to give you solid advice in the many threads you create. This one will apply to alot of them. STOP LISTENING TO these "pro" bodybuilders you always speak of.

    I would LOVE for you to get them to sign up on this site and explani how in the holy world it is easier to get an abcess in biceps than it is delts, or chest or lats? I am telling you 100% that those theories are COMPLETE JIBBERISH.

    You have been listening to these guys for too long and, no offense to them, but their ideas are horribly flawed with no evidential backing to them.

    I say you stop worrying to much about what these gym buddies are telling you and just try some thigns on your own. You are worrying far too much about the little things.
    Clean the area properly and use safe injecting procedures and you will be absolutely fine. You get an abcess based on how you inject not WHAT MUSCLE you inject.
    I inject biceps, chest and lats EVERY week and never once had an abcess.

    Also, its very easy to find enough injection sites to rotate only once a week. Like I said, it always seems like you are worrying so much and making so many threads. Wait till you get up to the big leagues where some of us here on this site are who inject 3 or more times a day, then come and ask me where to inject.

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