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Thread: T3 how long ?

  1. #1
    Bigdane is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006

    T3 how long ?

    Hey Iron Brother

    I'll be running Testo P with Tren A 100 mg ed + Bromo 5 mg edand T3 at 25mcgs ed how many weeks can i use T3 for ?

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    BigHuman's Avatar
    BigHuman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdane
    Hey Iron Brother

    I'll be running Testo P with Tren A 100 mg ed + Bromo 5 mg edand T3 at 25mcgs ed how many weeks can i use T3 for ?

    Thanks all
    what is T3 mate? and Bromo? Ive never heard them before

  3. #3
    Bigdane is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006
    Hey Bro

    Sorry about that so here we go.

    Bromo = Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

    T3 = Liothyronin or also call Thybon, Cytomel , Cynomel.

    Hopes it help's you

    Take care Bro and keep on Pumping

  4. #4
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
    chuck89gt5.0 is offline Senior Member
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    Most will say its dangerous which it prolly is but I ran 150+mcg for 8 weeks

  5. #5
    Maetenloch's Avatar
    Maetenloch is offline Associate Member
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    You can essentially run T3 for as long as you like if you can tolerate the side effects. I've run T3 for as long as 3 months and my thyroid levels were back to normal within 3 weeks. My mother was on T3 for most of the 60's, yet her levels today are normal. The idea that T3 use will shutdown your thyroid permanently is a myth, and there never has been a study showing this.

  6. #6
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I would run it for as long as I needed too. I never run it without AS though due to it's ability to waste muscle. I ran 125mcg for 12+ weeks.

  7. #7
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    6 months is as long as i have run it, since i was doing GH and GH suppresses the thyroid... most will run 75mcg for 8 weeks, be beware, it is very catabolic, that is it will consume muscle mass, that's why people will run aas, or clen with it.. clen is run 2 weeks on 2 weeks off..
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