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  1. #1
    Andros's Avatar
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    Cycle no 2 Final draft

    Test E: Week 1-10 500mg/week
    Primo: Week 1-10 1400mg/week
    D-bol: Week 1-6 60mg/ED
    Proviron : Week 1-12 50mg/ED
    Aromasin : Week 1-18 20mg/ED

    New supp by Antony Roberts: Week 1-12 Lower (200%) dose Week 12-18 Higher dose (600%)

    I have removed the nolva because it will be redundant to the Supp and because of the eye issues.

  2. #2
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    looks decent, except I dunno about Proviron the entire time, and Dbol I'd say 4 weeks instead of 6

  3. #3
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    looks decent, except I dunno about Proviron the entire time, and Dbol I'd say 4 weeks instead of 6
    The Proviron is to help reduce SHGB and keep sex drive up. I think I have excessive SHGB and I'll know for sure tomorrow once I get my Bloodwork results.

  4. #4
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Test E: Week 1-10 500mg/week
    Primo: Week 1-10 1400mg/week
    D-bol: Week 1-6 60mg/ED
    Proviron : Week 1-12 50mg/ED
    Aromasin : Week 1-18 20mg/ED

    New supp by Antony Roberts: Week 1-12 Lower (200%) dose Week 12-18 Higher dose (600%)

    I have removed the nolva because it will be redundant to the Supp and because of the eye issues.
    Looks pretty good overall actually. Dosages and durations.. not bad.

    I won't address the pct.. because obviously you're trying something a bit different (with the inclusion of hooker's supp). I've some questions for you however.

    I'm not sure the proviron would be an essential in there.. being that you have another dht-derivative in the mix (primo).. dosed above a gram at that. I understand your rationale for it..but i'm pretty sure that primo reduces shbg as well. Of course it couldn't hurt to keep it in there either *shrugs*

    What've your previous cycles looked like?

    What's your exeperience with the above compounds.. if any?

    The last two questions would give me an idea of how to guage any subsequent questions



  5. #5
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    What've your previous cycles looked like?

    What's your exeperience with the above compounds.. if any?

    The lat two questions would give me an idea of how to guage any subsequent questions


    Did a Dbol only (yeah stupid) 4 week stint cause it shut my sex drive off.

    Did a Test prop 50mg/ED 6 week cycle during my cutting down diet and it helped me keep all my muscle mass.

    Other then that I am new at this, but I thought I could use other people's experiences and get things right first ( well second) time

  6. #6
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Did a Dbol only (yeah stupid) 4 week stint cause it shut my sex drive off.

    Did a Test prop 50mg/ED 6 week cycle during my cutting down diet and it helped me keep all my muscle mass.

    That's a monumental jump in dosages and compounds.

    Especially the dht-derivative.

    Personally, i wouldn't advise it to someone who has no idea who they'd react to dht-derivs

    Might be more advisable to try a lower dose (even tho some say that anything under a gram of primo is a waste. I haven't used it personally so i'd have to bump this for vitor or one of the others that have)

    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Other then that I am new at this, but I thought I could use other people's experiences and get things right first ( well second) time
    Learning from others is all well and good.. but nothing beats personal experience.

    I think you should try a more moderate dosed approach... and a higher dose on subsequent cycles if you respond favourably to it.


  7. #7
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I think you should try a more moderate dosed approach... and a higher dose on subsequent cycles if you respond favourably to it.


    You think so? I just kept reading that Primo is a waste at <1g (like you also said) and that it has very very low side effects.

    Do you think the other compounds are also to high in dose?

  8. #8
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    You think so? I just kept reading that Primo is a waste at <1g (like you also said) and that it has very very low side effects.
    I'll let those experienced with the use of primo chime in here.

    The profile here suggests an effective dose range of 350-600 mg. I can't speak from personal experience.. but i know, trying it for the first time i'd half the dose you've outlined: 700 mg... 1 gr at max.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Do you think the other compounds are also to high in dose?
    No actually. Overall the cycle looks good..

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
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    I agree, I would get one cycle at 700 under your belt before breaking a gram. I always react better the second time around to a compound (me anyways).

  10. #10
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I agree, I would get one cycle at 700 under your belt before breaking a gram. I always react better the second time around to a compound (me anyways).
    Ok guys you've almost got me convinced (thank god I hadn't ordered my stuff yet).

    Any other experienced fellows wanting to chyme in?

    Im going for the 700mg/week like Nark and BigGuns suggest unless I get Primo experienced guys telling me different.

  11. #11
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Proviron @ 25 mg/ed when "on" cycle is enough. Then bump it up to 50 mg/ed during pct, imo.

  12. #12
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I agree, I would get one cycle at 700 under your belt before breaking a gram. I always react better the second time around to a compound (me anyways).
    I think the same applies to me as well.

    Maybe the next time i try t-bol it may work

  13. #13
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Proviron @ 25 mg/ed when "on" cycle is enough. Then bump it up to 50 mg/ed during pct, imo.
    Personally i would run the proviron at 50 mg while 'on'.

    I use it at 100 mg during pct

  14. #14
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Personally i would run the proviron at 50 mg while 'on'.

    I use it at 100 mg during pct
    Any androgenic sides at 100mg?

    Also doesn't it hinder recovery expecially at that dose to run it in PCT?

    I read an Vet's post that said he had to get off the Proviron to fully recover (can't remember who it was)

  15. #15
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Any androgenic sides at 100mg?
    Not for me.. it'd be individual-specific however..that's why i said: the only thing i'd change about your cycle is the primo dose.

    50 mg tru-out is cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andros
    Also doesn't it hinder recovery expecially at that dose to run it in PCT?
    re: above

  16. #16
    Andros's Avatar
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    Ok then, should i send my order to my source or wait for a couple more responses?

  17. #17
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    depends on how long you're willing to wait

    bump the thread during the day time when Goose etc. are on

    Good luck

  18. #18
    goose is offline Banned
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    Looks good....I think primo at 8oo/1G is a good start for a virgin,no need to jump more.My advise is to get primo acetate and run it at my Suggested dose.That would make this cycle much better,but I just love short esters!!!Would just change the Aromasin to 12.5 each day during cycle.

  19. #19
    LM79's Avatar
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    Can i ask why you choose Primo, did you consider Masteron ?

  20. #20
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    Can i ask why you choose Primo, did you consider Masteron?

    Lower side effects and it continues to be more and more effective the more you use, whereas Masteron doesn't really have any increased effect above 600mg/week.

  21. #21
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Looks good....I think primo at 8oo/1G is a good start for a virgin,no need to jump more.My advise is to get primo acetate and run it at my Suggested dose.That would make this cycle much better,but I just love short esters!!!Would just change the Aromasin to 12.5 each day during cycle.
    Good catch

    Didn't even address the aromasin ... especially it's con-current use with proviron .

  22. #22
    Andros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Looks good....I think primo at 8oo/1G is a good start for a virgin,no need to jump more.My advise is to get primo acetate and run it at my Suggested dose.That would make this cycle much better,but I just love short esters!!!Would just change the Aromasin to 12.5 each day during cycle.
    Thanks man i bumped it to 125mg/ed or 875mg/week to fit your dose scheme.

    Are you sure about the Aromasin ? I want to avoid bloat and titties.

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