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  1. #1
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Need advice on this cycle- Test-E,1st cycle

    I'm a 22 y.o. college football player... I'm a cornerback. I currently weigh between 166-170 lbs on any given day. I'm looking to gain strength, size, and speed. I currently rep 225 about 5 times. I'm wanting to gain roughly 15 lbs, and hope to get my 40 time down(of course due to increased leg strength)

    I've done quite a bit of research, and for my first cycle, I think i'm best suited by taking Test-E. I of course will take PCT's afterwards.

    My question is this, with a dosage of 300mg/10ML, what else if anytihng should I stack along with the Test-E? Is Test-E strong/potent enough by itself to get the kind of gains I'm looking for?

    Also, I plan on using it in a 10week cycle, taking .5ml/twice a week.

    Please help a first timer out, thanks in advance!!


  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    300ml total ew??

  3. #3
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    I'm a 22 y.o. college football player... I'm a cornerback. I currently weigh between 166-170 lbs on any given day. I'm looking to gain strength, size, and speed. I currently rep 225 about 5 times. I'm wanting to gain roughly 15 lbs, and hope to get my 40 time down(of course due to increased leg strength)

    I've done quite a bit of research, and for my first cycle, I think i'm best suited by taking Test-E. I of course will take PCT's afterwards.

    My question is this, with a dosage of 300mg/10ML, what else if anytihng should I stack along with the Test-E? Is Test-E strong/potent enough by itself to get the kind of gains I'm looking for?

    Also, I plan on using it in a 10week cycle, taking .5ml/twice a week.

    Please help a first timer out, thanks in advance!!


    my advice is to diet eat and eat some more .. at 22 @ 166 and no height posted still my advice would be better diet and training... also for a first cycle 500mg test E for 10 weeks is plenty .. you need to determin how you respond .. also even so diet is still key .. I dont think people relize how much harder it is to diet on cycle than Off....its a hole new ball game on cycle .. So IMO check out the diet and training fourms .. and good luck

  4. #4
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    300ml total ew??

    yah from the numbers you posted, it seems like your planning on 300mg/week..

    IMO, i would bump it up to 500mg/week split into 2 shots of 250mg

    but as far as being a cornerback & looking for athletic/speed gains, i would hold off and wait for some more feeback from the members

    hows your pct knowledge?

  5. #5
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    I know some basic info about PCT's... I would however like to hear what exactly some of the vets reccomend for me to use as my PCT...

    Also, would test be ok to use by itself? Or would you reccomend stacking with D-bol or Winny... I want to gain strength, but also size, and speed.

    I don't wanna just get big muscles, but rather gain strength, and in doing so, increse my speed.

  6. #6
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    I know some basic info about PCT's... I would however like to hear what exactly some of the vets reccomend for me to use as my PCT...

    Also, would test be ok to use by itself? Or would you reccomend stacking with D-bol or Winny... I want to gain strength, but also size, and speed.

    I don't wanna just get big muscles, but rather gain strength, and in doing so, increse my speed.

    test + diet/training. IMO

  7. #7
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Oh yah, I'm just above 5'11. Prolly about 5'11 1/2. I weigh between 166-170 on any given day. I'm pretty lean, probably around 6 or so... I have very little fat on me. Someone asked fr a lil more info about my body, so there ya go.

  8. #8
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Bump... So From the info I got here, and other research, test-E is a pretty good first cycle. I plan on heeding the advice of members, and going with 2-250mg shots per week, or 500mg/week.

    I have more than enough time after this cycle before football begins next year. I had thought about nother cycle during summer, but I'll post on that when it's time.

    So here's my last question, how long would you recommend my cycle being? 8 weeks was what I had planned on, but maybe 10 weeks would suit me better... Thanks for all the help guys, and all the vast information on this site.. To all the newbs, RESEARCH RESEARCH!!! You can learn alot from old post!!

    Thanks in advance!

  9. #9
    MrMe's Avatar
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    I wouldnt do anyhting less then 12 weeks. Test e kicks in between 4 to 6 weeks, stoping it at week 8 or 10 is too short.

  10. #10
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    thanks. I guess I'll be going with 12 weeks then @ 500mg/wk split into 2 shots.

    I've read a little info in general about deca dick, but would like to hear member's experience... I have a fellow teammate that is deadset on using deca in his cycle... Any info i could pass along? thanks!

  11. #11
    MrMe's Avatar
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    Well they say if you use Deca alone, you will MOST LIKELY get deca dick, it will shut you down. Most will tell you to run test with it at about 100 to 200mg more per week and finish the deca two weeks before the test. Heres a common cycle with deca

    1-12 500mg/week test e
    1-10 400mg/week deca
    and of course PCT

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Are you a tested athlete? You should be if your in college....

    Well deca is detectable for up to 2 years post use. Long estered testosterone is detectable up to 3-4 months. Short estered test less than a month.

    You want to stay fairly light with speed correct?
    Test/deca is a bulker at its best. Sure you could keep water and fat down , but if your tested there goes the idea of deca.

    You should give us more info about if your tested we can design a better cycle.

    I think a Test Prop/Anavar stack would suit you well.

  13. #13
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Well, only D1 tests. I'm at the D2 level, and there's no testing in this division...

    I'm not worried about testing at all. Thanks alot Hellmask, getting a reccommended cycle from would be much appreciated. I search for info quite a bit, but when people reply to your specific situatuion, it means alot more... Thanks again guys!!

    Again, lemme reiterate to newbs here, SEARCH, SEARCH, and SEARCH. Then read some more. Seriously. We've got a great resource here on this site.

  14. #14
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Oh, and hellmask, why the Prop instead of Enan? Not too up on hardly being able to move my leg for a week after the prop injection...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    Oh, and hellmask, why the Prop instead of Enan? Not too up on hardly being able to move my leg for a week after the prop injection...

    It doesnt matter really. For its detection time being shorter I put prop instead.

    IMO you should run 400mgs for 10 weeks.

    Weeks 1-10 Test E 400mgs
    Weeks 6-12 Anavar OR TBol 50mgs
    PCT -AI (aromasin ) 4 weeks & Serm (Nolva)5 weeks

  16. #16
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    I actually was just gonna post that same cycle.

    The test is a must IMO...

    From my research the Var is gonna be good for strength/speed correct???

    Cause obviously I wanna gain mass, to up my weight(harder tackles) but I wanna make sure I keep my speed, and also gain strength.

    Basically I'm trying to cycle to get bigger, faster, and stronger. I'm not so much looking to get a bodybuilders body... Alhough I'd be lying if I said I didnt wanna look even more ripped...

    If I could gain 15 lbs of lean muscle, I'd be extrememly happy. I'm right at 170 lbs, and have a pretty low BF% around 7-8% or so... So if I could get up to 185-190 i would look good IMO...

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