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Thread: 600mg test-cyp and 400mg nan-dec 3rd cyccle holy shit

  1. #1

    600mg test-cyp and 400mg nan-dec 3rd cyccle holy shit

    I am on my 4th week of my 3rd cycle ever 600mg-test-cyp/400mg nan-dec 1mg Arimidex every day(not bloating as much this time) my gains so far are blowing me away, I am really happy so far with the deca.

    I am going to run this cycle for 12 weeks(nan) and 14 weeks(test) I have winny-V and clen, I would appreciate some input about adding this to the end of my cycle, as at the end of 14 weeks I will begin my cutting diet, would the winny/clen help harden me up, if so how many weeks?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    I would run winny the last 6 weeks up to PCT @ 60mgs/oral Or 50mgs Injectable.
    What are your stats? Most likely clen for you isn't necessary....Way overused by ppl who have no business running it.

  3. #3

    My stats are 5'7" 239#'s 15%bf.

    Is you winny recommendation weekly? I have never used it before, but I do have injectable. Another question is I do have t3/t4 armour thyroid should I start taking this with my bulk cycle I am on now to help burn fat during cardio( I am only doing cardio 3x a week@ 20-25 minutes)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    winny should be run via every day injections to help keep the blood concentration consistant.

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