I am a sprinter at SVSU, I run the 60 and 100 and I was wondering if there are any steroids that would help me with both of those events.
I am a sprinter at SVSU, I run the 60 and 100 and I was wondering if there are any steroids that would help me with both of those events.
There are lots to stay away from while on cycle and competing. (Tren, Long estered tests, water retentive Bolins) If your are off cycle and looking to put some mucsle on most would work.
Weeks 1-10: Anavar, 40mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Turinabol, 40mgs ED *Advanced users may use HALO instead, although for shorter duration
Weeks 1-10: Masteron, 100mgs EOD
gonna be hard on the liver however!
USE Proper pct, shoud get great muscle and speed gain with minimal excess weight gain
im a sprinter as well and on an oral only cycle as we speak.
im on 50mg ed winny (def drys your joints out) ill prob take anavar next time and 50mg ed tbol
but if you dont mind injects or dont have to travel try prop
do a search for orals for sprinters......i had a post up and has some good info in it
Last edited by Manpretty; 11-08-2006 at 12:47 PM.
for a sprinter obviously weight isnt key...
so yep try to stay away frok ones like dianabol (water retention) enanthate/cyp/decanotate esthers,
try to use fast acting ones, i.e. prop/suspension, tbol would be good as it gives good strength but low water retention
all i know is ive always heard of sprinters using winny..not a sprinter myself
LOL. Seems you don't learn. Those doses are WAY too high and no top sprinter has ever used doses like that. I'm surprised you can run at all on those doses. Ben Johnson never took more than 2.5mg winny per day. Yes, that's right, 2.5mg. Anymore than that made his muscles too stiff.Originally Posted by Manpretty
BJ also only took 15mg dbol on training days & 10mg dbol on non training days, cycled 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. For a sprinter, less is more. Don't listen to the advice of bodybuilders. If you want to know about what drugs & doses a sprinter should take, ask sprinters!
I think T-bol & Anavar are both good choices. Just wondering what anyone would think about Parabolan (Tren-Hex) for a speed athlete? Just an idea, just throwing it out there....
Originally Posted by FlyByU
2.5mgs of winstrol? WTF that wouldn't do a thing, strength wise or anything. All that dose does is make him test positive for no gains. Thats why ben had yellow eyes that 2.5mgs of winstrol starts to take a toll on the ol liver.... 10-15mgs of dbol is understandable, considering back in the day many bbers used that dose and saw gains. Aswell as american olympic athletes to compete.
Originally Posted by CollegeATH
I don't think stacking an oral with Halo for 10 weeks is a smart idea!
Well...at least he has you to ask.Originally Posted by FlyByU
OK..I have to ask U..How do you
know that BJ only 2.5mg of winny?
And I will agree,thats not enough
to do anything,other than test +.
maybe in his head...but no more.
Im wondering about AAS that raise red blood cell count. Dont anadrol and EQ raise those? I would think that would be a good aid for sprinting.
i would personally advocate tbol only, i had great results
hey im a sprinter also. I was wondering what about a anavar and deca cycle, could that work for a sprinter.
Read the book "Speed Trap" by Ben Johnson's coach, Charlie Francis. He details Ben's drug protocol. Yes, it's hard to believe, I know. When he tried over 2.5mg/day his legs became too stiff to do quality track work.Originally Posted by SS1476
If you're drug tested, forget deca! Everyone should know that it stays detectable up to 18 months after stopping it. Anavar is not the best choice either. Almost every sprinter I've known who has used anavar has complained of overly tight calf muscles at a dose of just 20-30mg/day.Originally Posted by lightspeed7
Probably not the greatest thing to list your school, the events you run, then say that you take steroids...just and FYI from a coach to athlete
LOL - I was waiting to see how long it took someone to point this out. I sorta doubt by now he needs to worry about long detection times..Originally Posted by HighandWide
Can I just add.
Just because over "2.5mg/ED" of Winstrol made Ben Johnson's "calves tight", it doesnt mean the same dosage will have the same sides. I'd start on 10mg/ED and see how that goes. The key here is experimenting on what works for you. Other's results/gains/sides should meelry be a guideline, nothing more.
So what would be the safest cycle to run for a sprinter?
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