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Thread: Venting....

  1. #1
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Hey bros! I need to do a little venting. Hope u dont mind. No one really knows im juicin so i cant talk to anyone i know openly. Guess i'll let u know what im runnin so u get the idea. Im in my third week of 200mgs deca x2, 250mgs sust x2, 30mgs dbol x7 and 10mgs nolv x7. Plus 2000mgs ALA, 4000mgs glutamine, 1000mgs flax seed oil, 2 multi vitamines, whey protein and met-rx mr every day.

    Ok heres the deal. Im a pretty mellow guy, but last night i went out to a bar/club. I went in telling myself that i wasnt going to drink any alcohol. But thats easier said then done when ur around people drinking and having fun. And the women!! Ohhhmy!! So my buddy im with offered me a drink. Soooo i said what could one drink hurt? I got a crown and coke. Downed it, and got a second, not realizing my buddy was ordering me doubles. Im just finishing my second drink and im starting to feel all amped up. Like i want to rip the head off this @sshole that was kinda crowding me at the bar. You know the guy im talking about. He's rollin on x thinkin hes all cool. I just wanted to crush his skull. Luckly, i realized i was loosing it so i told my friends i had to leave. They were cool and didnt say anything or ask why? I think they saw i was gonna loose it and understood. Its the next day now and im still feeling kinda amped up. I thought it was the mix of alcohol and juice that was doing it to me?? But i just snapped at my buddy i work with and im feeling kinda bad about it. Maybe i still have some alcohol in my system? Or maybe its the Test kicking in?? I wasnt one that believed in roid rage . If ur an @sshole u'll just be more of an @sshole on juice is what i believe.

    Has this happened to anyone? Im sure, but what do u do when u start feeling all amped up?? Count to 10, take deep breaths?? What works for u??

    Thanks bros!


  2. #2
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Guess that means your an asshole bro. No seriously, just bundle up all that anger towards society and let it out at the gym, thats what i do

  3. #3
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Be careful bro, you don't want to get into some shit that will get your ass locked up. Do what Psycho said.. Bundle that shit up, and let loose in the gym.

    Peace OUT

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Wash your forearms

  5. #5
    adaptations's Avatar
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    Ok peronsly, when off a cycle, Im a laid back kinda guy...i tend to get agrivated easly but i knowhow to hold it in so it does not becomse a problem. When im drunk (when im not cycleing) i tend to become very arrogant, and somewhat an asshole...I have the whole im the shit attitude.
    now when ON a cycle, tend to be more volitbale...frustrated more easliy...little thing piss me off more, but im usually good about it, although sometime i say what s on my mind...
    Now when i get drunk when im on a cycle, I can be a super asshole, and im one arogant fuck! Im not saying i go around beeting people up or anything, but i def get anoyed more easily

    all in all when im on a cycle...i feel better about ego is high,
    sense of well being, and i dread coming off.

    So ill stick to the saying, if off your an asshole, when on it wile amplify that

  6. #6
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    But see thats what has me worried. Im not an asshole type of guy. And never have been accused of being one. I mean, i do have a temper (but was always able to control it) and when i was younger i did get into alot of fights but i wasnt the one who would start it. However i was the one of finished it more so then not.. I never went looking for trouble like some punk kid i mean. When i got home lastnight i wanted to workout and try and get it out of my system but i didnt. I smoked a bowl and went to sleep. Tonight when i get off work i plan on working out like a madman!


  7. #7
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    Were it is always to ****
    Originally posted by Psycoswole
    Guess that means your an asshole bro. No seriously, just bundle up all that anger towards society and let it out at the gym, thats what i do

    hey nice pic in the avatar bro looking good.

  8. #8
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    youve got more control than most! Saturday night that cool asshole on "X" was in the same bar I was in! A friend of mine had enough and nailed him. That's when the shit hit the fan. It was ugly, I am still sore as hell and didnt want anything to do with it! 8 on 3 aint no fun. Control thy self!

  9. #9
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    BE_STRONG it was hard bro to hold myself back. Seems it was the same fool. He was with about 6 of his friends also. And at the time it was just me and my bro. And hes no help.. So it fer'sure would have gotten ugly. with those odds u just grab the closet guy to u and just pummel his ass!

    well,,im going to try and focus on getting all my frustration out in the gym. Buuuut if i happen to see my x wifes bf, could i take it out on


  10. #10
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    Were it is always to ****
    Okay this is a very easy post to discuss.

    First off alcohol is or I should say will make the nicest guy a total asshole!

    So if you are on or off a cycle is no concern it will still make you use poor judgement.

    Now when on a cycle some say they do not get roid rage ..Well I say they are the few and lucky...I do not mean roid rage in the way that any little thing sets you off and you kick guy’s heads in!

    What I mean is ANY time you elevate test levels one of the great and not so great things that come with it is aggression!

    Now there have been a ton of studies on guys in prison with anger issues.

    I can not recall the exact statistics but something like 70%, I hope I am not over rating it but I think it is more, had abnormally high test in their system. No not from AS just had a naturally higher level of test.

    Now again there is not 100% proof this is why they had tendencies to commit crimes but it is a starting point in understanding why some people may tend to have more aggression than others.

    Okay with that said let’s look at some other issues here.

    You are upping your bodies’ natural levels of test correct. Thus it may cause aggression. Now also your body is not accustomed to it so it may not be able to deal with it as well. Mostly I am referring to mentally.

    Hope I am making sense here.

    So put the 2 together and sure you may have a bad situation going.

    Okay now for me bro..Well I have major issues with my temper.

    I have had them since I was a baby so my mom says. My father was a biker that hung with a very ruff crown and beat the hell out of her and us.

    Not trying to get personal and please do not make immature comments about this as I am trying to be open and make friends here.

    Anyway growing up I did not get to see my father much in hopes, well in my moms hopes, that this would not be passed on to me.

    Well it did not work. I have had such a problem that I turned to drugs at a young age and long story short I have busted knuckles, scares, and many bad memories in which I am ashamed of.

    Having a bad temper is nothing to be proud of!

    Anyway what the hell is my point.

    In my case I know I have a bad temper and am on medication to help me with it but add a few drinks in the wrong type of environment like you stated above..Well someone is going to get hurt and go to jail. Maybe me.maybe themn but bottom line is i do not like to drink unles i was say with someone that makes me laugh like say

    JJ, PapaPump, or the funny man himself Nathan! Then I would or "MAY" be okay but I stay clear from it.

    Again I am off track here sorry you just hit something that goes home for me.

    Now as for me on a cycle with no drugs or alcahol..Well I am somewhat okay unless hitting high test... then I am back to the start!

    Fast story and then I will shut the fuck up!

    Several months ago my dog, a 75lb pitbull, ran after my neighbors half pit and half chow. Need I say it was not good? I felt so bad for the other dog as he had no chance in hell. My dog is full of love and a great dog but unfortunately he seems to have a skill in killing other animals. It is nothing I like to see and makes me very sad after to se this dead animal.

    Anyway like a dumb ass I tried to save the other dog and the other dog bit my thumb almost off due to he was so scared and in pain from my dogs mouth covering most of his neck.

    AAAAAAAnyway I went to the hospital and after 4 hours in the damn place they let me go. Now I am right smack in the middle of a huge cycle, tired, pissed of, and just plain in a bad mood.

    Well this hot rod civic dude comes up on my wife’s ass so fast and close we could not even se his head lights!

    She tapped the breaks to let him know to back off and we had a baby in the car.

    Well this big tuff guy then comes up beside us and tries to run us off the road.

    HHhmmm man I am not sure really much what happened other than I told my wife she had better catch them. I had no idea how many were in the car as the windows were tinted but finally we found him at a light.

    Before my wife could even stop the car I was trying to jump out..Kinda funny as we were still moving to fast and I was not having it so easy getting out! L.O.L.

    Anyway I finally got out and I think, again I tend to black out a bit, ran towards this car screaming my fucking head off in the middle of a major intersection. My hand was all wrapped up but I did not give a fuck!

    I ran about 4 - 5 car lengths trying to catch them while they had the car in reverse! Just barely missing other cars. I have never seen so much fear in someone’s eyes as this guy.

    Well I tried hitting the window but I just can't run fast enough that 240lb ass is not a good runner.

    So needless to say I was stupid but my rage was fucking UN real. Looking back I am so damn thankful I did not catch him. Shit he may have had a car load of guys who knows but luckily he must have thought I was the fucking devil b/c he had no intentions of letting me catch him!

    My point..Who the hell knows! L.O.L.

    Actually my point is with AS you may have increased anger. It is important to recognize this and tell yourself it is only the juice.

    And IMHO you should NEVER drink on a cycle.

    The 2 of them for me = nothing but trouble.

    Hey bro. At least you’re mature enough to post asking for help and you recognize it is not something that is cool or to be proud of!

    For that I give you a thumbs up!

    Hey X-Biker has a bit of a good story about roid rage !!!!!!!!

    Ask him !!! L.O.L.

    He is a big bully!

    hOPE THIS HELPS BRO ?!?!??!

  11. #11
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    that is a nice novel. It would take me all day to type that much! Nice stories. I really dont have that much of a problem with my anger. I actully have so much confidence when I'm on cycle that nobody seems to bother me!

  12. #12
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by OGPackin
    BE_STRONG it was hard bro to hold myself back. Seems it was the same fool. He was with about 6 of his friends also. And at the time it was just me and my bro. And hes no help.. So it fer'sure would have gotten ugly. with those odds u just grab the closet guy to u and just pummel his ass!

    well,,im going to try and focus on getting all my frustration out in the gym. Buuuut if i happen to see my x wifes bf, could i take it out on

    Your x-wifes boyfriend is always a viable alternative!

  13. #13
    Primetime's Avatar
    Primetime is offline Associate Member
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    First off, great choice with the crown and coke. Any fellow crown bro has my respect. No seriously, by realizing you wered getting amped up and walking out should show you that you are ok. Ofcourse you are going to feel more aggresive but if you can notice those signs and handle them the right way as you did, that is huge! Keep it up and good luck on the cycle.

  14. #14
    DiMensionX's Avatar
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    Jack and Coke is much better, or single barrel on the rocks is good too:-).

    Speaking of X-Wifes boyfriends when he met me the other day (she hadn't seen me in a few months either and was shocked) he talked some shit about what I had lost. I didn't go postal, I learned a LONG time ago that if you keep your cool in those situations and choose your words carefully it is MUCH more effective. By the time it was over dude was shaking, I thought he was about to cry, tottally backed down, and appologized. My X-Wife left him on the spot and I drove her to her car, she started getting googly and feeling my arms and chest (I was dressed perfect for the occasion as I was on my way to a date) and she basicaly all but blew me on the spot.

    I dropped her off, told her she should pick better men, and when she HAD the right one she should have kept him. I told her I wasn't attracted to her any more and to have a nice life.

    Now, I must say that fealt a whole lot better than ripping the dudes head off. Her date was ruined and in her eyes it was because of Beavis she was with, then she got dissed by her X (something that probably has never happend to this girl, she is at least a 9). And to top it off Beavis had to spank his own monkey that night and damn near pissed himself.

    Stay cool, choose the words wisely, look them in the eyes calmly, and use the intimidation that comes along with being SMART as well as BIG. Thats what being the Alpha Male is all about:-).


  15. #15
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    Nice post and an excellent perspective dimensionX. That is diffinately the best way to handle almost every situation! Good job!

  16. #16
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Thanks alot bros!! Cant tell u what it means to get ur guys support and knowledge!!...I cant really talk to anyone i know about it. So to be able to vent here and get feedback from bros in the same situation im in is awesome! and to be honest, im glad i didnt do any juice when i was younger. I would have been a madman. But now that im older and wiser i can recognize when im loosing it.

    PR bro, thanks for being so open and honest! I respect that!

    Buuut i cant promise anything if i see my x's bf!! His asss is gonna be mine..

  17. #17
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    It's you bro, not the juice. You need to be aware of your feelings and try and control them. At lesat you feel bad about snapping at people.

  18. #18
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    DMX i feelya dog! But iv only been divorced for two months now. So its still fresh in my head. Im the one who filed but it wasnt because i didnt love my wife anymore. It was becausee i couldnt live or trust her anymore. Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people..errrr Anyway, a week or two after we split up she was calling this mother f'er her boyfriend. Hmmm.....something told me they didnt just meet?!? But he is a total wussie. I told him if i ever see him his ass is mine! And a few other choice words and he didnt say shit back to me. Now, let me tell u. If someone said the things to me i said to him. Id be like here is my address come get some. Or i would go lookin for them atleast. Either way i wouldnt let anyone talk to me like i did him. What a faggit!! Maaaan i feel like im gettin amped again just thinking about it! Some one told me he has a ponytail. So i say im going out ponytail huntin to my friends and they know what i mean.. <sigh> Man im startin to ramble now sorry!!

    Again i do appreciate all the advice and support bros!! thxs!!


  19. #19
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Nice post P.A....well, lets have the story X-biker!

  20. #20
    roch's Avatar
    roch is offline Member
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    dude you handled the bar situation like a pro. I commend you for being the better man. I had to quit drinking 7 years ago because I couldn't think like you in those situations, and I'm a pussy. I cry when I break a nail. props to you bro.

  21. #21
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Thxs bro!! Ya i think iv come to the conclussion i better not drink while im on my cycle. I'll stick with water from now on. Its safer for me and them..


  22. #22
    rdelavega is offline New Member
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    Guns exist for a reason you know?

  23. #23
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Originally posted by PURE ADRENALINE

    hey nice pic in the avatar bro looking good.

    Thanks PA, took it a few days ago, just started another one of my mini cycles

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