I have referenced some great info from the forums. Hoping to get some input for upcoming short cycle/PCT. 5'11'', 215, 22% BF. What I'm looking at is as follows...

Week 1-10 200mg Test Cyp E4D
Week 1-8 75mg Tren Ace EOD
Week 8-10 40mg Anavar ED
Week 1-10 .25mg L-Dex ED, 10mg Nolva ED
Week 1-10 HCG 500 i.u Mon/Tues or E4D

I know I should wait 18 days after last Cyp shot for PCT (Thanks Pheedno). However, do I need to wait longer for the Tren/Var to be out of my system?

PCT is as follows:
Day 1-30 .25mg L-Dex + 20mg Nolva + 100mg Clomid

Should I throw in B vitamins as well through cycle? If so how much? I was also considering running Clen 2 weeks on 2 off through the cycle @ 40mg/ED, is this wise?

Im looking for Lean Mass and some fat loss, should I consider uping the Tren to 75mg ED?

Any input would be greatly appreciated...Thanks guys