My prop is 150mg I am currently injecting eod, should I do 75 ed? or is 150 eod fine, I have researched this a little bit yet always seem to find conflicting information, some say ed some say eod is fine,,any help pros?
My prop is 150mg I am currently injecting eod, should I do 75 ed? or is 150 eod fine, I have researched this a little bit yet always seem to find conflicting information, some say ed some say eod is fine,,any help pros?
Its also being stacked with nandrolone 600 mg wk and winny 50mg ed to keep water out
Also after getting prop for the first time trying to cut down on water retention I am wondering whetehr or not there are any other benefits, The inj hurt your get more test with the shorter ester yet it always comes in 100 or 150 per ml, really what Im asking is why bother with 150mg per ml when you can have 300 with enth or cyp and fewer inj more test for money etc
shameless bump
I dont feel any difference injecting ED vs EOD.
I am currently using 200mg EOD.
EOD is fine, but ED is better for better blood levels.
nandrolane AND winny ....kind of counter productive since deca is a bulker and winny will dry you out. but JMHO
bulk me but keep me dry
Originally Posted by nrobleski
Not quite how it works but , whatever....good luck with it
You can bulk on just about ANY compound depending on your diet.....
I asked everybody their favorite cutting stacks and I wanted something simple and lots said prop eq and winny,,then my supplier said that deca and eq are very similar now Ai find out he did not know as much as he claims he knows and I shouldnt be so trusting, yet now people tell me its alright yet a little counteractive,,,could you explain a little the Sman
Originally Posted by nrobleski
shooting prop eod will be fine bro. im almost positive it has a half life, its short but still, itl build up in your system the longer you take it. ive also run test prop many times, shooting up eod with good results
i just got ass kicked by ye ol prop flu,,,just started the prop eod I knew it was going to happen and sure enough ti did,,,oh well im built now so everythign will be better,,,next time I will know to frontload better
Originally Posted by nrobleski
getting sick while on cycle sucks. i got a nasty stomach flu during the first few weeks of my last cycle.
testosterone will lower your immune system too
Well one of the factors of Deca is that it adds water and thus makes it great on the joints when lifting heavy. Having the winny dry you out while trying to bulk makes it a waste of gear since the winny will negate all the positive sides of the deca......If you are worried about holding too much water, you may want to use an AI during the cycle and finish the last 6 weeks of the cycle with the winny. That way you can bulk up for two thirds of the cycle and start to cut up at the end with the winny.....JMHO
what do you guys do when you get sick on cycle?![]()
If you dont want water retention, why choose Deca?
Are you bulking or cutting?
Why not run the Test Prop and Deca, then Winstrol final 4-6 weeks to end the cycle?
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