alright all you chemistry heads out there, help me out.
its already known by RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH that test readily converts to DHT and estrogen.
if an ai works by inhibiting cell morphs, could using an ai result in more test in your body and more dht conversion?
Does test have an order in the body, like estrogen first then DHT, since there are dht-deriatives which give side effects, is it safe to say that dht converts from estrogen via test
Does the body convert test to dht/estrogen randomly and at its own will? Will a DHT blocker provide more opp for test to turn to estrogen ?
3 weeks into my cycle now, on letro .25 mg eod, im starting to notice a little receiting hair line, i have a full set of her, my granpa has a full set and so does my dad, both sides...
Could you say I'm more hairy via more natural test via the higher the test level in my body(test injections) via higher dht conversion resulting in hair loss?
sorry if these questions are out of order and ****ed up, ive been working since 1 am and just got off a conc pour ;\ tired as hell.
Would running proscar and an ai be the most benefecial way to use test, providing the most test with no conversion? why can't i just get some 1-test ;(.
thanks for anyone who can read this ;]