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Thread: help me please

  1. #1
    knockout21977 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006

    help me please

    hi im nicky im 5ft9 242lbs ive just bought a 10 week course of sustanol and deca the only problem i have is im not sure of the best way to use them in a cycle can someone please help me please it works out as 2ml of each a week id really appreciate as much advice as you can give me as this is my first course im a rugby player trying to tone and increase my power im also taking winni-v(cyclostanozol) please help me as i want to do this right

  2. #2
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ninja dojo, UK
    wow, take a breather, a comma or a fullstop here and there wont waste screen ink you know matey haha! how old are you? and how long have you been training? what is your diet like? and finally, whats your bodyfat percentage?

  3. #3
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    you are either one big mofo or your fat lol,im presuming the former.
    its difficult to guess the dosage you got but i reckon its 250mg sust and 200mg deca ???? you need to elaborate on this b4 we can give you advice.

    timms right we need stats and xp.

  4. #4
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    and b4 you start juicing we need to get your pct sorted out cycle therapy .

    oh and welcome aboard.

  5. #5
    knockout21977 is offline New Member
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    i used to train 4times a week in gym 2nights a week rugby training and playing on a saturday

    dont know my body fat% but i guess its 30% just coming back from a 6 month neck injury where i couldnt train at all iwas fit and lifting quite well although not in your standards im trying to get back into a good shape which ive been finding hard im training the same as i was previously. im eating well and taking protein sub (maximuscle high protein promax) but thought a course would help me on my way. dont know that much about it to be honest im a novice where all this is conserned dont know anything really bout cycles all i can tell you is that at the moment im doing 1ml of sust 2x a week and 1 2ml of deca a week listening to friend from gym ,but i know you people on here can help me more than he can thank you for your time i do appreciate it hope what ive written can help you to help me

  6. #6
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ninja dojo, UK
    to be fair your cycle sounds fine for a novice, thats 500mg sust a week and 200mg deca .but i think your reasonings for using them are alittle off. whatever the case, good luck with it, and heres hoping your neck makes a full recovery

  7. #7
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    bro i think you should do some research before you go much further.dont sound like you much bout what your doing..Dont you care bout what chemicals you putting in your body man...well good luck bro i hope you take my advise...need anything hit me up

  8. #8
    knockout21977 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006
    tim i know it sounds like my reasons are a bit off ive only just started but i wont to be as good at this as i can be i put my heart and soul into everything i do and apart from being back to what i was i want to get bigger stronger fitter etc i dont do things half baked if i can help it thats why im here asking experienced people of the best way to do it
    thanx 4the advice and good luck message

    re italian man i do care what im putting into my body i havent done this without thinking about it i just need a bit of guidance from people who know bought my supply from a reputable company

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