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Thread: How long have u waited for Oder?

  1. #1

    How long have u waited for Oder?

    hey fellows
    I'm a little worried if I'm been coned or not. I order my gear 2weeks ago from some oversea dearlships online. They promise shippment via US Postal Service despite the strict custom rules in the US here. I wired them $$$ through western union more than 2weeks now. But Since then, I never heard anything from them yet. Do you think I was con or not? Or do you think I should be more patient and wait? And if so, at least how long should I wait Cuz when did place the order I knew the risk is more than 50% to be con.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 11:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    you're ordering international so waiting more than 2 weeks is not unheard of. However it could still be a scam. DId you verfiy this source with any members/vets/mods? or did you just google the word steroids and place an order. could have even been seized, in this case youd be looking for a seizure letter in the mail. hopefully your source have a resend poilicy if its seized. theres just know way of telling where your package is at the moment. only time will tell.

  4. #4
    Thanks for your respond 305Guy. It deserve attention back. Well I hope I will not receive a confiscation letter. In regard to the "source" it is not allow in this forums to talk about "source" leaving alone. I have seen many people been banned because they try to verify source that are credible or not. By the way I have been in this forums since 2004. I know the rules, don't be fooled by the number of posts I have inject in this particullar time of zone. My main concern in this thread is to find out from similar athletes and bodybuilders have taken the same risk as I did 2weels ago, and whether their patients had lead to a succcessful turnover.

    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    you're ordering international so waiting more than 2 weeks is not unheard of. However it could still be a scam. DId you verfiy this source with any members/vets/mods? or did you just google the word steroids and place an order. could have even been seized, in this case youd be looking for a seizure letter in the mail. hopefully your source have a resend poilicy if its seized. theres just know way of telling where your package is at the moment. only time will tell.

  5. #5
    3 weeks I have waited when I knew there was an error and I still got it.

    Other than that I usuallly get everything within days of ordering.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Communication is key with an order. Sometimes pachages get siezed or the source becomes backed up with orders, either way you should be able to E=mail your source from a secure E-mail addy and get a response, if it's not a scam of course.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    the gym
    How are we supposed to get info on what place to order from when isnt this against the rules? If we can how do we communicate to other memmbers? personal email? phone, etc. i would love to order from over seas but it scares the hell out of me! so i pay more for doc supervision. if i could find a legit over seas supplier i would be golden.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    My past few orders overseas have taken 3 to 5 weeks to get to me. Other than the problems to date. Knock on wood...haha

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by Tazwell
    Communication is key with an order. Sometimes pachages get siezed or the source becomes backed up with orders, either way you should be able to E=mail your source from a secure E-mail addy and get a response, if it's not a scam of course.
    100% true. Every order I've had, my source kept me up to date and would answer any questions I had.

    I've had orders from over-seas that have taken 6 weeks. Aslong as I get it, I'm happy.

    2 weeks is nothing, give it some more time.

  10. #10
    Thank u all for the feedback!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    It depends. If you source may have took a few days to actually ship it. It also matters what country you ordered from on how long the mail actually takes.

    I had packages i guess get lost and turn up 2 months later.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i order international and get it in four to six days tops...they always tell us it would take two weeks to get but that has never happen..

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