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Thread: Shopping list

  1. #1

    Arrow Shopping list

    Well, my uncle can get anything he wants from his dr in mexico, as well as the usual vet shops. Just wondering what brands of the following should i be looking for?:

    Sustanon 250

    THanks all.

  2. #2
    sus - TT Testanon, Brovel (or Tornel) SuperTest, Organon redi-jects
    deca - TT, QV
    d-bol - reforvit B, TT tabs
    clomid - shit, i forget, just ask for clomid, they'll know, comes in a box of 30
    nolva - they'll know this too, comes in 2 boxes : 14 & 30 counts
    clen - spiropent liquid, spiropent pills, oxyflux pills (shit)

    don't know about the others...

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