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Thread: Can you die from clen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Can you die from clen?

    Swolecat has wrote on another forum that clen is an extremely strong drug that can kill you. He said that Clen kills heartcells and that it´s no better than an eca stack. Is that true?
    I have a bottle of clen. I´m just going to take a moderate dose like 80 mcg.
    Last edited by bigeater; 11-12-2006 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    I'd like to see where SC wrote that..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    check out my clen FAQ. Apart from sides listed there is a little debate and some studies showing that clen can be harmful to cardiovascular health. It would not kill braincells though. Wether it is "better" than ECA is an odd question. Some people find it "better" for fat burning.
    That post sounds like BS to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Yes it can kill you! BUT the amount your taking will NOT kill you. Your dosage would have to be very very high. This is a drug that is normally used for used for Asma (sp). A very similar version of clen has been prescribed to my girlfriends daughter before.

    Anything can kill you if taken too much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    concentrated clen powder cud kill ya - but like the guys say here, not at the doses its made in2 for consumption

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Careful who you buy your clen from.. an mcg is very tiny amount. Say you were making it and you spilt some powder onto the table. It was thrown in or if you injested that powder it would kill you. Kinda a wide open statement but hopefull you understood.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    check out my clen FAQ. Apart from sides listed there is a little debate and some studies showing that clen can be harmful to cardiovascular health. It would not kill braincells though. Wether it is "better" than ECA is an odd question. Some people find it "better" for fat burning.
    That post sounds like BS to me.
    I have edit my post. I edit my post from braincells to heartcells.
    I´m not makeing it up. Swolecat that used to be on this board wrote that on another board. So is it more harmful than eca? I´m still going to try clen because I have it at home.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Careful who you buy your clen from.. an mcg is very tiny amount. Say you were making it and you spilt some powder onto the table. It was thrown in or if you injested that powder it would kill you. Kinda a wide open statement but hopefull you understood.
    I have liquid clen

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    To put what you're asking in perspective...

    Water can kill you if you drink too much, sugar will kill you if you eat too much!!

    The debate on myotoxicity is openly in discussion on another thread, although I think it has already been established that the studies which were carried out on rats, showed that an equivalent dosage to cause harm in a human would have to be somewhere around 1000mcg per day!! MUCH more than anyone ever takes for weight loss or anti-catabolism!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    I have edit my post. I edit my post from braincells to heartcells.
    I´m not makeing it up. Swolecat that used to be on this board wrote that on another board. So is it more harmful than eca? I´m still going to try clen because I have it at home.
    Yes there have been studies done (which can be found in my profile thread, kindly added by Giants) which show that clen can kill heart cells. I don't know if it safer than ECA as that has it's own controversial debate on it's safety.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    To put what you're asking in perspective...

    Water can kill you if you drink too much, sugar will kill you if you eat too much!!

    The debate on myotoxicity is openly in discussion on another thread, although I think it has already been established that the studies which were carried out on rats, showed that an equivalent dosage to cause harm in a human would have to be somewhere around 1000mcg per day!! MUCH more than anyone ever takes for weight loss or anti-catabolism!!
    You´re right. There are many drugs and stuff that you can die from if you overdose, including clen and eca.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ive heard of people running into bad situations when trying to homebrew clenbuterol. Thats just insane in my mind. Thing to remember is that the dosage is in micrograms (mcg). One microgram is equal to 1/1000000 of a gram! Most people take just 100-180 mcg/day. Very potent stuff, but not life threatening if taken responsibly. Only time I might worry is if you already have some kind of heart condition before you take it.

  13. #13
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Yes it can kill you! BUT the amount your taking will NOT kill you. Your dosage would have to be very very high. This is a drug that is normally used for used for Asma (sp). A very similar version of clen has been prescribed to my girlfriends daughter before.

    Anything can kill you if taken too much.

    Clenbuterol is NOT used in the US for Asthma (US uses albuterol mainly). Are you in Europe or Asia? I recall someone stating they used it for ashtma in England or somewhere in across the pond. :-)

    PB2001 are you in the UK? IF so, enlighten us about clen being available in the UK for asthma usage.



  14. #14
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Careful who you buy your clen from.. an mcg is very tiny amount. Say you were making it and you spilt some powder onto the table. It was thrown in or if you injested that powder it would kill you. Kinda a wide open statement but hopefull you understood.
    Buy from the board sponser arr. They have some good chems.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I suppose if you take 1mg of it with no tolerence... it could really mess you up.
    but dont forget, you can from everything now a days

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i think its funny how most of you gyus are playing it off like clenbuterol is just like any other supplement, too much and you can die type stuff. In my opinion clenbuterol is probably one of the most dangerous supplements to be taking, besides DNP and dosing is not meant to be takin lightly. Have you guys heard that story (it is true), a famous research company sold some overdosed clenbuterol and almost killed one its customers. Clenbuterol is nothing to be ****ing around with. People who say shit like too much of anything can kill you (water) are morons, and you should not be paying attention to these people.

    honestly id feel safer runing a few grams of juice and some t3 at the same time then clenbuterol, but thats just me. Anything that makes you shake like clenbuterol is obviously something not be messing with.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:26 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by doctadank
    ..... Clenbuterol is nothing to be ****ing around with. People who say shit like too much of anything can kill you (water) are morons, and you should not be paying attention to these people.....

    I'm sure the comforting knowledge that I'm a moron will ease the heartache for the families of hyponatremia sufferers!!

    Get a clue, I was putting the question into perspective that any chemical or substance which you consume will kill you at a certain level. I was highlighting the fact that the question was poorly asked, and it should have been aimed towards "What are the side effects of clen?" or "Is clen safe to take at xxxmcg" etc etc

    And yes you are quite correct, by far the safest and "best" method for losing weight is by far a good clean diet and regular exercise. It's as important to increase your lean mass as to reduce your fatty mass!!
    Last edited by Jay-Ace; 11-14-2006 at 12:43 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    no jay thats not how it is. By saying too much sugar can kill you or too much water can kill you, it will be interpreted thats it NOT that dangerous. You need to get a life dawg, read up on clenbuterol some more and then talk to me. Are you speaking from personal experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Hova
    Get a clue, I was putting the question into perspective that any chemical or substance which you consume will kill you at a certain level. I was highlighting the fact that the question was poorly asked, and it should have been aimed towards "What are the side effects of clen?" or "Is clen safe to take at xxxmcg" etc etc
    so now you want to change the question that was asked becuase you came up with a dumbass answer? Why was it his fault for posting that question, it was legit, can clenbuterol kill you? And the simple answer is yes it can, and a lot easier than many other bodybuilding drugs. Once again your trying to tell me that any chemical substance can kill you at a certain dosage, well thanks for the basic biology lesson, but thats not what this is about.

    what are the side effects of clen does not equal can clen kill you?

    2 totally different questions buddy.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    you are basically downplaying the serious side effects of a very serious drug, and to some chump just browsing these forums that can lead to a dangerous situation.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    Well, hopefully people will do their research before they jump into any of this stuff weather AAS or suppliments. In almost all the profiles, it gives a "safe dosage" for the majority of users and a recommended "not to exceed" dose. As for wether it can kill or not. Anything can kill at any dose if your body will not tolerate it.

    For Clen, most of the articles clearly state that you should start with a super low dose of 20 or 40mcgs and up it ED or EOD by 20 until you get to the point where you are not comfortable with the sides.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by doctadank
    you are basically downplaying the serious side effects of a very serious drug, and to some chump just browsing these forums that can lead to a dangerous situation.
    Thanks but I do know Clenbuterol very well indeed; from personal experience, lots of first-hand discussions, veterinarian dispensary and BSc Chemistry.

    I will say that I may have underplayed the "chump" factor as you so poetically put it, however would you answer "yes xxx can kill you" to every drug?? Because that is the cold hard truth with few exceptions!! I was pointing out that the question was perspectively incorrect.

    It's by the by and I'm not gonna get into an argument over something as silly as this.

    For the record...

    Yes, Clenbuterol can and will kill you if you disrespect it.


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