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Thread: Multidose vials and Cancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Multidose vials and Cancer

    I just recently read some information that states that multidose vials can in the long run cause cancer due to the BB and BA dissolving rubber stopper and in turn you inject over and over in your body. Can anyone comment on this? It does make sense to me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bb868484
    I just recently read some information that states that multidose vials can in the long run cause cancer due to the BB and BA dissolving rubber stopper and in turn you inject over and over in your body. Can anyone comment on this? It does make sense to me
    Why does it?

    Do you know what "rubber stoppers" contain then? And have you seen studies linking these make up of compounds to varied cancer's?

    Seems like utter twisted bullshit coming from the media again.

    Its claimed some victims, judging by your post too...

  3. #3
    crapola, every doctors office in the world has multi-dose vial for different treatments. taking a crap gives you cancer now adays.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Im not sure if anyone else has read this but i just recently stumbled upon it. These are not my statements!

    "hard truth about BA/BB that all UG stuff contain :

    thier doctors all diagnosed same thing :

    thier body infected with rubber from syrenge plunger and vial stopper which desolved by BB/BA

    just add few DROPS of %3 BB + %15 BA you recomanding on plunger rubber and leave it for a short while and see it get stuck ,take rubber out and inpect it , you see it desolved ,then you inject that rubber into your body day after day , week after week

    thier doctor all said same thing : that lead to cancer and there is no cure for it

    maybe thats why according to FDA max safe limit for either or combined BB/BA is only %1 ,any higher do not exist as medicine aproved for injection to human body

    all UG useing BB and BA , they either dont know or dont care

    Cyp needs BA to get even close to 200mg , guys want higher dose will end up rubber injected into thier body ,same goes for many other steroids ...

    enanthate same as cyp in real life and dont need cancer causing solvants

    as for tren go , few of my guys kiney failed on tren , kidney do not regenerate like liver so there is no cure

    Dan duchaine died because of tren , he choose death rather then going through painfull daily dialysis for rest of his life , dialysis is machine with 2 hoses and 2 huge nail size needle into your sides , then all your blood go into machine to be cleaned , the huge daily IV needle pain and hours it take and get infections after a while with all the hosses and needles going in and out , thats your life to be atached to machine ,if rich you buy machine and keep with you , if not you move near hospital and hope you have good insurance , thats what they tell me ..

    tren is worlds most toxic steroid , its not like test which you can inject 1000 mg and only get water ,tren will kill your kidney , thats why it designed to be used at low doses only , if you need more efects from tren stack it with winy or test

    steroids can kill you directly like tren or indirectly through all the rubber you injecting into your body

    also tren needs BA to go over 75 mg so you get kidney poisen and cancer in one bottle , you want to see emails of MY CUSTOMER with Failed liver

    now we only make oils without BB/BA , that limits dose , it may crystalize and crush in cold but i will not cause cancer we use paraben as preservative , know what BA/BB did to guys"

  5. #5
    is this a sales pitch?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would be interested if any of these statements were backed with some studies or statisitics. Sounds like scare tactics.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    is this a sales pitch?
    Does sound like a sales pitch! Mention of customers, a lot of claims with nothing to back them up, and mention on how 'now we only make oils without BB/BA' hmmmmmm and obviously selling stuff that crash's constantly!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yea im not sure just thought id put it out there and see what others thought of it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    100% pure, unadulterated bullshit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Fvck....Tren kills people? And cuases kidney failure?? AND CANCER?!?!?

    DOn't put your water bottles in the freezer....

    Or tupperware in the microwave....

    Don't masturbate or you'll go blind...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ya know, I could deal with Tren killing people, but now the fvcking vial causes cancer????


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    I love tren...and the only way it comes for me is in a multi-dose vial.
    I guess I better write my will and order up that gravestone.

    No, really...I think this is b.s. and if you are careless and don't take proper precuations, anything is going to kill you sooner or later.

    Nowadays everything causes frickin' cancer.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I guess we're better off injecting the whole 20ml brew than putting it in a vial and injecting day to day.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    I guess we're better off injecting the whole 20ml brew than putting it in a vial and injecting day to day.
    I tried that for my first cycle, now you should see my T1Ts

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